Discover What Percentage of Your Donations Go to Charity | LoveToKnow (2024)

How much of an organization's donations go to directly charity is one of the things to consider before donating.

ByMegan Cooper, M.A.S., B.S. History

Megan Cooper, M.A.S., B.S. History

Megan's contributed both writing and research to a myriad of associations including academic publications, cultural institutions, non-fiction works, and experimental collaborative projects.

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Updated November 2, 2023

Discover What Percentage of Your Donations Go to Charity | LoveToKnow (1)

While charities all have various overhead costs, someof the most effective nonprofitsdevote as much of their budget as possible to support their programs. When we're donating to a charity, most of us want to know our hard-earned dollars are being used effectively. This is where having the right information comes in.

When you get ready to make your next donation, arm yourself with some knowledge about what percentage of your donations actually go directly to charity, and what other factors to consider,so you can donate with confidence.

A Closer Look at Some of Your Favorite Charities

From the American Red Cross to the United Way, these are some of the most prominent charities today. We'd be surprised if you hadn't sent a donation to at least one of them. But do you know how much money they actually spend on programming? Thankfully, these heavy hitters are pretty transparent about their financial practices. And spoiler alert — they're not too shabby.

Industry-Leading Charities Amount of Donations Going Directly to Charitable Work
American Red Cross ~90 cents out of every dollar
World Vision 85 cents out of every dollar
Doctors Without Borders ~89 cents out of every dollar
United Way 85 cents out of every dollar
St. Jude's Childrens Hospital 82 cents out of every dollar
The Nature Conservancy ~71.2 cents out of every dollar
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research 88 cents out of every dollar
Feeding America ~98 cents out of every dollar
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American Red Cross

The do-gooders at the American Red Cross do a great job of spending your money when you donate. They manage to keep administrative expenses at less than 5% of their total overhead, and they spend about 90 cents for every dollar donated on actual programs that benefit the community. Whether it's teaching CPR or managing a crisis during the aftermath of a disaster, the Red Cross puts your money to good use.

World Vision

Approximately 89%of the income donated to World Vision goes to help stamp out poverty around the world. While they're still well below the 33% benchmark at 10% in 2022, they tend to spend more on fundraising than other highly rated charities in this category. Nonetheless, if stamping out poverty is your passion, World Vision does a good job with your money.

Doctors Without Borders

Thebrave folks at Doctors Without Borders go into dangerous, impoverished, and remote areas to bring medical care to others, such as providinglife-saving vaccinations.According to their website, about 89% of their total revenue goes to supporting their programs.

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United Way

United Way is a massive privately funded charity that seeks to "bring people together to build strong, equitable communities where everyone can thrive." For example, they might address community equity in education, health, and economics and help provide resources to alleviate them.

Per their website, "For every dollar donated to United Way, 85 cents goes to [their] mission."

St. Jude's Children's Hospital

You probably immediatelyrecognizeSt. Jude's Children's Hospitalthanks to their digital fundraising campaigns. The hospital itself is a research facility that specializes in childhood cancers and other life-threatening diseases. The remarkable thing is that it's not cost-prohibitive. Anyone can receive treatment, whether or not they can pay for it.

Perhaps more remarkably, the hospital only spends about 27% of its income on fundraising and administrative costs. Considering it'sa hospital with significant expenses, the fact that St. Jude's is able to spend only a little overa quarter of their funds on maintenance is impressive. In terms of the nitty gritty, 82 cents out of every dollar you donate goes directly to support St. Jude's work.

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is focused on protecting and conserving water and land across the globe. They work on every single continent to address issues of environmental significance. The organization holds themselves to the highest standards of accountability and ensures 71.2% of their income goes towards science-driven programs, according to their website.

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The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research

You probably know Michael J. Fox best for projects like Back to the Future or Family Ties, but his advocacy work for Parkinson’s research is even more impressive. In 2000, he founded The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, and the non-profit has been working diligently ever since.

According to their website, they aim to spend 88 cents of every dollar you donate directly on Parkinson’s research.

Feeding America

According to the Feeding America website, the organizationis a nationwide network of food banks, food pantries, and local meal programs. Everyone deserves access to nutrition and Feeding America helps bridge that gap for at-risk people.

Currently, 98% of all donations go directly to their charitable programs, which amounts to around 98 cents on the dollar.

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Examples of Charities With Low Overhead

While these might not be the most popular nonprofits, these charities know how to get the most bang for their buck. With less than 10% overhead (a rare feat in the nonprofit world), these charities spend 90% or more of the money you donate on actual goods and services that support their missions.

  • Greater Chicago Food Depository: As its name implies, theGreater Chicago Food Depositorydistributes food to the hungry in the greater Chicago area. They distribute some 200,000 pounds of food daily.
  • The Conservation Fund:The Conservation Fund works with a variety of initiatives to conserve land, water, and other natural resources and operates in all 50 states.
  • Give Kids the World:Give Kids the World is a resort village in Florida that provides week-long vacations, free of charge, to families who have a child facing a life-threatening illness.
  • UNICEF:UNICEFis an international non-profit that uses a variety of programs, from emergency response to education, to support children. They work in over 190 countries to improve the lives of children through a variety of initiatives.

Need to Know

These assessments are based on Charity Navigator's own rigorous evaluations and aresubject to change each fiscal year.

Examples of Charities With Moderate Overhead

That 10% overhead wouldn't be as impressive as it is if every charity could easily crack those numbers. However, these charities are so close to the top at about 20%-30% overhead that they should still be in the running for your donations.

  • Oxfam America:Oxfam America seeks to end poverty. They focus on four areas that address both immediate intervention (such as natural disasters), as well as long-term solutions like public education and advocacy for social justice.
  • The American Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty of Animals: The American Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty of Animals (ASPCA) focuses on two key issues: animal homelessness and preventing animal cruelty.
  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation: TheSolomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is dedicated to promoting contemporary art and artists. They do much of their work through world-famous museums, which offer educational outreach and various artistic collaborations to the public.
  • American Jewish Committee: TheAmerican Jewish Committee is an organization that works around the worldto advocate for Jewish communities, as well as to promote human rights and democratic values for everyone.

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Examples of Charities With Higher Overhead

These charities spend 30 cents or more for every donated dollar on things like overhead, administrative costs, and fundraising.

  • George Bush Presidential Library Foundation: TheGeorge Bush Presidential Library Foundation is a foundation dedicated to preserving the historical events of George H. W. Bush's presidency, (not to be confused with his son, George W. Bush.) Charity Navigator says about 40%of donations go to meet overhead expenses.
  • American Printing House for the Blind:TheAmerican Printing House for the Blind works towards helpingvisually impaired people lead more independent livesby creating product aids. Approximately 34%of funds go to administrative expenses.
  • American SCORES:America SCORES uses soccer, combined with writing, creative expression, and service learning to support children in urban areas to reach their full potential. Their program is aligned with standards for English, service learning, and physical education. About a third of their funds go to administrative and fundraising expenses.

Higher Overhead Doesn't Always Mean You Need to Avoid a Charity

There are debates when it comes to the question of how much charitiesshould spend on overhead. While it can be really powerful when charities can make an impact with lower overhead, there's more to consider about the operating costs.

The Nonprofit LeadershipAlliance challenges the overhead myth, or the idea that low overhead automatically equates to a charity being effective. They suggest that"other factors such as program performance, governance structure, staff professionalism, fundraising efficiency, and other practices should be considered as part of the bigger picture."

Here are a few other things to keep in mind:

  • Certain types of charities may have higher overhead costs than others, depending on the work they do and the programs they provide.
  • Certain overhead costs can fluctuate from month to month.
  • Some expenses for charities may increase, butthey may not have a matching increase in donations.
  • Sometimes charities with lower overhead are actually less effective. According to an 11-year study on charity overhead spending, an increase in overhead spending up to an optimal point led to an increase in the quality and outcomes of the programs.

When a charity invests in its resources and programs to be more effective, it can sometimes mean a better overall impact, even if the overhead isn't extremely low. Before you donate, look into various factors about the charity, not only its overhead spending.

Resources to Help You Donate Wisely

Discover What Percentage of Your Donations Go to Charity | LoveToKnow (2)

Like ordering a meal from a 10+ page menu, picking a charity to donate to can be difficult. This is only made harder by the complicated financial jargon and link after link you have to hunt through just to get to the truth. Fortunately, not only are there charity watchdog groups to help you, but there are questions you can ask before donating that'll help you make thebest decision.

Charity Watchdog Resources

In addition to Charity Navigator, there are several other impartial groups that simply collect information and present it for donors' consideration. Any of the following resources is a good place to start when you're considering giving away your money:

  • CharityWatch:The American Institute of Philanthropy puts out Charity Watch, a websitethat rates hundreds of charities on their financial dealings.
  • GuideStar:GuideStar collects 990 forms and other public financial data for many charities. It also includes a community interface that lets you leave commentary about specific charities, so you can report any suspicious activity you see going on.
  • Give Well:Give Well reviews hundreds of charities and also guides you on how to review nonprofits they may not have gotten to yet.

Questions You Can Ask Before Donating

The sheer volume of charities out there means that not every single one gets the deep-dive treatment from one of these watchdog websites. However, don't let that stop you from donating to potentially great organizations. You've just to do a little legwork yourself. Start by asking these questions before donating to a specific org:

  • Is the nonprofit actually a charity? You can find this out by searching for its 990 form. This information is typically found on a charity watchdog site; however, you can also visit Give.orgto see if they've filed anything for the charity you've got in mind. Note that religious institutions, such as churches and synagogues, typically do not have to file a 990.
  • Are there complaints against the charity's practices? For example, does a hair donation charity collect hair for free and then charge recipients for the wigs made from it? Again, this information is found easily on
  • Do the charity's marketing materials include actionable measures? Be wary of charities who drone on about the problem they're trying to 'fix' but fail to back up their claims with any evidence of their programmatic successes.
  • How much of the donations go directly to the charity? No charity can have 100% of donations go directly to the work —some administration costs are normal —but becareful about charities with hidden financials.

Donate With Confidence

Your money can make a difference, but it's good to be informed and know the ins and outs of a charity's spending before you donate. Make every dollar count by checking out potentialcharities and considering the different questions to ask. Then you'll be able topick the right ones and donate with confidence.

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Discover What Percentage of Your Donations Go to Charity | LoveToKnow (2024)


How much of your donations really go to charity? ›

How much of your donations actually go to charity? Some charities allocate 60% of donations to their cause, preserving a large portion of funds to pay staff high salaries, while others allocate 95% of their goods and funds to people in need.

What percentage of donations actually go to St. Jude's? ›

Jude emphasizes responsible use of donations, with 82 cents of every dollar received directed towards patient care, research, and future needs. Here's a breakdown of funding allocation: 82% supports treatment, research, and future needs. 13% funds fundraising efforts like the St.

What percentage should you donate to charity? ›

Start with 1% of your income, then work your way up. If you make $100,000 a year, that's $1,000 per year going to a public charity, or $20 per week. That's very doable. If you want to match the donation of the average American in your income bracket, you can slowly move it up to 3% of your income.

How to find out how much money goes to a charity? ›

Review the charity's purpose and its financial records, and find out how it spends donations on the Attorney General's website at Consider how much the charity spends directly on its charitable cause, and how much goes to overhead and employee compensation.

What charities give the highest percentage to their cause? ›

25 Nonprofits With Over 95% of Donations Going to the Cause
  • Patient Access Network Foundation (97%) ...
  • Marine Toys for Tots Foundation (96%) ...
  • Mayo Clinic (96%) ...
  • The Assistance Fund (96%) ...
  • Cross International (95%) ...
  • Food for the Poor (95%) ...
  • Scholarship America (95%) ...
  • St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance (95%)
Nov 18, 2021

Which charities have the highest administrative costs? ›

Charities With the Highest Admin Costs
  • Tucson Audubon Society. ...
  • New Hampshire Audubon. ...
  • Gospel to the Unreached Millions (GUM) ...
  • American Psychiatric Foundation. ...
  • Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO) ...
  • Please Touch Museum. ...
  • American Friends of the Open University of Israel (AFOUI) ...
  • Peter G.
Jun 1, 2010

How much of the money donated to Shriners hospital actually goes to the hospital? ›

At Shriners Children's™, stewardship is one of our core values. Approximately 85 percent of all funds spent by Shriners Children's each year is dedicated to patient care, research, and education. We work hard to make sure your gifts are used in the most efficient and effective manner.

What percentage of donations go to the Red Cross? ›

The Red Cross is proud that an average of 90 cents of every dollar we spend is invested in delivering care and comfort to those in need. Each year, the generous support of donors like you enables our disaster workforce— 90% volunteers—to help millions of people in the U.S.

How much of your donation goes to wounded warriors? ›

1. What percentage of my donation goes directly to Wounded Warriors? Wounded Warrior Project is a direct service organization. 100% of your donation supports wounded warriors.

Are most donors to charity very wealthy? ›

A new report from Altrata finds that ultra-high-net-worth individuals (those worth $30 million or more) now account for 38% of all individual giving in the world. Put another way, 400,000 people account for more than one-third of the world's charity. It's even more extreme when you look at billionaires.

How much does an average American give to charity? ›

And in 2022, Americans were still towards the top as #3 most generous country. In 2022, Americans gave an incredible $499.33 billion to charity. To put that into perspective, it averages out to every individual in the United States donating $1,500. Corporations make up a small percentage of that giving: $21.08 billion.

Is donating to a charity worth it? ›

Giving to charity makes you feel good

Donating to charity is a major mood-booster. The knowledge that you're helping others is hugely empowering and, in turn, can make you feel happier and more fulfilled.

What is the most trustworthy charity? ›

Health - General Charities
Hearing Health FoundationA
Huntington's Disease Society of AmericaA
Lupus Foundation of America (National Office)B+
Lupus Research AllianceA
21 more rows

What percentage of charitable donations actually go to the cause? ›

A Closer Look at Some of Your Favorite Charities
Industry-Leading CharitiesAmount of Donations Going Directly to Charitable Work
American Red Cross~90 cents out of every dollar
World Vision85 cents out of every dollar
Doctors Without Borders~89 cents out of every dollar
United Way85 cents out of every dollar
4 more rows
Nov 2, 2023

How much is a good amount to give to charity? ›

That said, while it depends on where you live and how much money you make, the average person donates about 2-5% of their annual income to charity. However, even starting with donating 1% of your income to charity is a great place to begin.

How much money do you save by donating to charity? ›

You may deduct charitable contributions of money or property made to qualified organizations if you itemize your deductions. Generally, you may deduct up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income, but 20 percent and 30 percent limitations apply in some cases.

How much of my budget should go to charity? ›

I personally strive for 10% of my income, but giving is highly personal depending on your situation. I would suggest 10% is a nice goal to start with, but for some people, 2% could be good too.

How much money do you get when you donate to charity? ›

People gave £11.3 billion to charity in the UK in 2020, up from £10.6 billion in 2019. 62% of people in the UK gave to charity via donation or sponsorship in 2020. The average monthly donation in the UK in 2021 was £49.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.