Endiness, the Land of Dragoons! (2024)

Endiness, the Land of Dragoons! (14)

This is the Endiness Image Gallery, where you can look at screenshots from the game. The images came from a variety of sources whom I give credit to at my Links page.

Have fun! ((I do not have the original files, so these links do not work))


  • Dart's Character Picture
  • Dart's Profile
  • A nice picture of Dart
  • Dart in the game intro 1
  • Dart in the game intro 2
  • Dart in the game intro 3
  • Dart on the ground
  • Dart gazing
  • Dart yelling with his sword
  • Dart kneeling with his sword
  • Dart looking up
  • Dart in Vellweb
  • Dart at the Fueno Inn
  • Dart near a save point in Mayfil
  • Dart crossing the bridge in the Prairie
  • Dart standing on a hill, looking at Seles
  • Dart fighting Feyrbrand
  • Dart with the Dragon Block Staff
  • Dart in Seles
  • Dart in Seles again
  • Dart in the Dragon's Nest
  • Dart sitting and pondering
  • Dart talking in Seles
  • Dart being attacked by the Commander
  • Dart attacking the Commander
  • Dart healing himself
  • Dart is about to fight!
  • Dart attacking
  • Dart defeats an enemy
  • Dart is about to fight again!
  • Dart using an Addition
  • Dart using an Addition again
  • Dart trying to avoid a Counter Attack
  • Dart attacking Doel
  • Dart's victory stance
  • Dart transforming into the Divine Dragoon
  • Divine Dragoon Dart with his sword
  • Dart as the Divine Dragoon!
  • Divine Dragoon Dart about to cast his cannon
  • Divine Dragoon Dart in the dust
  • Divine Dragoon Dart "sleeping"
  • Divine Dragoon Dart yeling
  • Divine Dragoon Dart looking back
  • Divine Dragoon Dart posing
  • Divine Dragoon Dart flying
  • Dart finishes transforming for the first time
  • Dart finishes transforming for the first time 2
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting Flameshot
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart attacking
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart practicing with Rose
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart attacking Dragoon Doel
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting Final Burst
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting Final Burst 2
  • Redy-Eye Dragoon Dart wins!
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart fighting Lenus
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart attacking Doel
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart's fiery attack
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart finishes his fiery attack
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart preparing to attack
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart preparing a magic attack
  • Large Red-Eye Dragoon Dart
  • Tall Red-Eye Dragoon Dart
  • Dart transforming 1
  • Dart transforming 2
  • Dart transforming 3
  • Dart transforming 4
  • Dart transforming 5
  • Dart transforming 6
  • Dart transforming 7
  • Dart transforming 8
  • Dart transforming 9
  • Dart transforming 10
  • Dart the Action Figure!


  • Rose's Character Picture
  • Rose's official profile
  • A large picture of Rose
  • Rose in Vellweb 1
  • Rose in Vellweb 2
  • Rose in Vellweb 3
  • Rose in Hoax 1
  • Rose in Hoax 2
  • Rose in Hoax 3
  • Rose in the Volcano
  • Rose yelling out
  • Rose with her sword
  • Rose running
  • Rose on a cliff 1
  • Rose on a cliff 2
  • Rose sees a dragon
  • Rose looking at Feyrbrand
  • Rose attacking
  • Rose attacking Faust
  • Dark Dragoon Rose awakening Dart's Dragoon Spirit
  • Dark Dragoon Rose attacking
  • Dark Dragoon Rose finishing an attack
  • Dark Dragoon Rose using magic
  • Dark Dragoon Rose's victory stance
  • Dark Dragoon Rose's victory stance 2
  • Dark Dragoon Rose casting Astral Drain
  • Dark Dragoon Rose casting Death Dimension
  • Dark Dragoon Rose finishing Astral Drain
  • Dark Dragoon Rose zooming away
  • Dark Dragoon Rose covering her face
  • Dark Dragoon Rose gazing
  • Dark Dragoon looking back
  • Dark Dragoon Rose reaching out
  • Sparkling Dark Dragoon Rose
  • Dark Dragoon Rose on a white background
  • Dark Dragoon Rose looking down
  • Large Dark Dragoon Rose
  • Rose transforming 1
  • Rose transforming 2
  • Rose transforming 3
  • Rose the Action Figure!


  • Lavitz' Character Picture
  • Lavitz' official profile
  • Lavitz attacking
  • Lavitz attacking Guftas
  • Lavitz attacking Feyrbrand
  • Lavitz finishing off an enemy
  • Lavitz attacking Fruegal
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz is angry!
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz getting ready to use magic
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz preparing to attack
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz on a white background
  • Tall Jade Dragoon Lavitz
  • Small Jade Dragoon Lavitz
  • Large Jade Dragoon Lavitz
  • Lavitz the Action Figure!


  • Shana's Character Picture
  • Shana's official profile
  • Shana waking up in Vellweb
  • Shana looking worried
  • A familiar picture of Shana
  • Shana in Seles
  • Shana lying in Vellweb
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana with her bow
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana casting Moonlight
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana casting Moonlight 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana casting Star Children
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana using her bow
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana on a sparkling background
  • Shana transforming 1
  • Shana transforming 2
  • Shana transforming 3
  • Shana the Action Figure!


  • Haschel's Character Picture
  • Haschel attacking Lenus
  • Haschel transforms


  • Kongol's Character Picture
  • Kongol's Official Profile
  • Kongol in the Land of Giganto
  • Bad Kongol attacks!
  • Kongol the Action Figure!


  • Albert's character picture
  • Albert attacks
  • A full-body picture of the handsome Albert
  • Jade Dragoon Albert on a sparkling background
  • Jade Dragoon Albert casting Wing Blaster
  • Jade Dragoon Albert finishes transforming
  • Jade Dragoon Albert casting Rose Storm 1
  • Jade Dragoon Albert casting Rose Storm 2


  • Meru's character picture
  • Meru's official profile
  • Meru posing
  • Meru looking down
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Freezing Ring
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Freezing Ring 2
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Freezing Ring 3
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 1
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 2
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 3
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 4
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 5
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 6
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 7
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 8
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Diamond Dust 1
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Diamond Dust 2
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Diamond Dust 3
  • Meru transforms 1
  • Meru transforms 2
  • Meru transforms 3


  • Miranda yelling
  • Miranda yelling 2
  • Miranda in the Rainbow Light
  • Miranda in the Crystal Palace
  • A rare picture of Miranda with her bow
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 3 (just slightly different from the one above)
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda oustide the Moon 4
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 5
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda inside the Moon 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda inside the Moon 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Moonlight 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Moonlight 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Moonlight 3
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Star Children
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Gates of Heaven 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Gates of Heaven 2
  • Miranda transforms 1
  • Miranda transforms 2
  • Miranda transforms 3
  • Miranda transforms 4
  • Miranda transforms 5
  • Miranda transforms 6
  • Miranda transforms 7
  • Miranda transforms 8


  • Lloyd's Character Picture
  • Lloyd's official profile
  • A handsome picture of Lloyd
  • Lloyd charging
  • Lloyd casting a spell
  • Lloyd is escaping!
  • Lloyd posing
  • Lloyd as the Hooded Man
  • Lloyd the Action Figure!

Group Pictures

  • Dart, Rose, and Shana as Dragoons
  • Dart, Rose, and Shana in Furni
  • Dragoons Dart, Shana, Rose, Lavitz, Haschel, and The Hooded Man
  • Dart, Shana, Haschel, Miranda, Kongol, and Meru as Dragoons
  • Commander and the Hooded Man 1
  • Commander and the Hooded Man 2
  • Commander and the Hooded Man 3
  • Dart and Rose in Vellweb
  • Dart, Kongol, and Meru on Coolon 1
  • Dart, Kongol, and Meru on Coolon 2
  • Rose and Zieg in the Moon
  • Dart flying to save Shana
  • Kongol, Meru, Albert, and Haschel as Dragoons
  • Rose and Zieg flying with the Dragon Buster
  • Rose and Zieg falling into the white light
  • Kongol holding Meru as Dragoons
  • Shana, Dart, and Lavitz fighting Urobolus 1
  • Shana, Dart, and Lavitz fighting Urobolus 2
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz in Volcano Villude
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz attacking Feyrbrand
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz attacking Fruegal 1
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz attacking Fruegal 2
  • A close up of Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz preparing to fight
  • Dart, Lavitz, and Shana fighting Urobolous (battle screen)
  • Dart, Lavitz, and Rose in a Jade Dragoon Special
  • Dart, Rose, and Lavitz fighting in the Dragon's Nest
  • Dragoon Dart, Rose, and Lavitz fighting Feyrbrand
  • Dart, Lavitz, and Rose fighting Feyrbrand 2
  • Greham attacking Dart
  • Shana, Dart, and Lavitz in a White Silver Dragoon Special
  • Albert, Dart, and Rose fighting Doel
  • Albert, Dart, and Rose as Dragoons
  • Albert, Dart, and Rose attacking Regole and Lenus
  • Lloyd attacking Kongol, Albert, and Dart
  • Dart, Albert, and Rose in Vellweb
  • Dart, Albert, and Rose in Vellweb 2
  • Albert, Kongol, and Dart attacking Melbu Frahma
  • Lavitz, Rose, and Dart in a Red-Eye Dragoon Special
  • Lavitz, and Rose and Dart as Dragoons
  • Dark Dragoon Rose casting Astral Drain on Lavitz and Dart
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting magic with Rose and Lavitz
  • Dart and Lavitz being healed by Astral Drain
  • Lavitz, Dart, and Shana in a White Silver Dragoon Special
  • Dart and Lavitz gaping in awe
  • Rose, Dart, and Lavitz in Hoax
  • Lavitz, Dart, and Rose in Hellena
  • Dart holding Lavitz as he dies 1
  • Dart holding Lavitz as he dies 2
  • Albert and Dart in Black Castle Kazas 1
  • Albert and Dart in Black Castle Kazas 2
  • Rose and Dart in the Barrens
  • Shana and Meru looking up
  • Kongol saving Albert from a pillar
  • Dart, Shana, and Meru looking on as Lenus dies
  • Dart, Shana, and Meru looking sad
  • Wink saves Lloyd
  • Dart and Rose with their Dragoon Spirits, Lavitz and Shana look on
  • Dart, Shana, Rose, and Lavitz with Greham as he dies
  • Rose, Dart, and Lavitz with their Dragoon Spirits in Shirely Shrine 1
  • Rose, Dart, and Lavitz with their Dragoon Spirits in Shirely Shrine 2
  • Rose, Lavitz, and Dart with the Red-Eye and White Silver Dragoon Spirits, with Shirley and Drake
  • Dart, Lavitz, Rose, and Shana with their Dragoon Spirits
  • Albert holding the Jade Dragoon Spirit, with Dart holding a dead Lavitz, and Rose and Shana looking on
  • Dart and Mappi race for the Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit
  • Dart and Rose hiding from Feyrbrand
  • Dart threatening the Commander and his guards
  • Dart, Shana, and Lavitz in the Limestone Cavern
  • Dart, Shana, and Lavitz in the Prairie
  • Dart, Shana, and Laviz in the shack
  • Dart, Lloyd, Shana, Diaz, Rose, and Albert in Vellweb (Spanish)
  • Diaz, Shana, Rose, Dart, and Albert in Vellweb (Spanish)
  • Dart and Shana as youngins
  • Lavitz, Dart, and some guards in Hellena
  • Lavitz, Dart, and Shana in the shack 2
  • Shana watching Dart and Lavitz acting like idiots
  • Lavitz and Dart protecting Hoax from Kongol and his guards
  • Dart, Lavitz, Rose, and Shana in a ransacked Hoax 1
  • Dart, Lavitz, Rose, and Shana in a ransacked Hoax 2
  • Dart, Rose, Lavitz, and Shana looking out over Volcano Villude
  • Dart, Rose, Shana, Albert, and Haschel in Fletz
  • Dart, Kongol, Meru, Rose, Shana, Albert, and Haschel in the Twin Castles
  • Lisa, Albert, Haschel, Shana, Dart, and Rose in a secret chamber
  • Lisa, King Zoir, Emille, Dart, and Albert in the Sun Chamber
  • The entire group in Aglis
  • Dart's flashback of himself and his mom and dad


  • The Official Logo
  • All Character Logo (Large)
  • All Character Logo
  • All Character Logo (small)
  • Everyone on Coolon Logo
  • The Red-Eye Dragoon Logo
  • The Dragon Campaign Logo
  • Dart, Shana, and Rose in Furni Logo
  • The Logo at the beginning of the game
  • The Ghost Ship Logo
  • The Japanese Logo
  • The Second Japenese Logo
  • The Melbu Frahma Logo
  • Dart, Shana, and Rose on the Queen Fury logo
  • The Darkness Dragoon Logo
  • Shana's Logo
  • The White Silver Dragoon Logo
  • Logo with the Dragoon Spirits
  • The Title Screen Logo
  • The Divine Tree Logo
  • Zieg
  • Evil Zieg
  • Another Evil Zeig
  • Good Zieg

Melbu Frahma

  • Melbu Frahma is UGLY!!
  • Another ugly picture of Melbu Frahma

Moon That Never Sets and the Divine Tree

  • The Moon is falling!
  • The Moon has set
  • The Divine Tree
  • The Divine Tree sprouting
  • The Divine Tree glowing
  • The Divine Tree exploding out of the ground
  • The Moon and the Divine Tree 1
  • The Moon and the Divine Tree 2
  • The Moon with Virage emerging on the Divine Tree

The Divine Dragon

  • The Divine Dragon flying
  • The Divine Dragon glancing
  • The Divine Dragon in Deningrad
  • The Divine Dragon glancing again
  • The Divine Dragon crashing into the Crystal Palace
  • The Divine Dragon Ball 1
  • The Divine Dragon Light
  • The Divine Dragon has sharp teeth
  • The Divine Dragon is HUGE!
  • The Divine Dragon spitting
  • The Divine Dragon Ball 2
  • The Divine Dragon Ball is warming up!
  • The Divine Dragon's Eye

The Dragon Campaign

  • All out attack!
  • A dragon zooming at full speed
  • A dragon flying
  • The dragon flying again
  • The dragon zooming again
  • The dragon prepares to attack
  • Michael's Dark Cannon
  • The martyr Kanzaz
  • The Virage with Kanzaz
  • A fiery explosion
  • A friend saving Rose
  • Rose dodging rocks
  • Kadessa
  • A clinging Virage
  • Belzac saving Shirley
  • Shirley talking with Belzac 1
  • Shirley talking with Belzac 2
  • Shirley preparing an arrow 1
  • Shirley preparing an arrow 2
  • Shirley fires her arrow
  • Shirley kills the Virage
  • Rose zooming
  • Zieg zooming
  • Zieg and Melbu Frahma fighting
  • Zieg and Melbu Frahma fighting again


  • Lenus
  • Lenus in the Sun Chamber
  • Lenus using magic
  • Lenus the Blue Sea Dragoon
  • Another picture of Blue Sea Dragoon Lenus

Emperor Doel

  • Emperor Doel transforms
  • Emperor Doel and his swords of Light and Darkness
  • Emperor Doel using Magic
  • Emperor Doel is defeated
  • Emperor Doel is dying

The Commander

  • The Commander
  • Another pic of the Commander
  • The Commander is coming!


  • Coolon in the sky
  • Coolon is hit!


  • Virage Emerging
  • More Virage
  • A glowing virage
  • A weird virage
  • A sketchy virage


  • Houses on fire in Seles
  • Firey arrows assault Seles
  • A charge into Seles
  • The church is Seles is about to explode
  • The church in Seles explodes
  • Smoke rises in Seles
  • A boy helps an old man
  • Chargers attack
  • Broken statues
  • Broken fountains
  • Seles aftermath
  • Forest 1
  • Forest 2
  • Forest 3
  • Forest 4
  • Forest 5
  • Hellena Prison
  • Escaping Hellena Prison
  • A bridge in Hellena Prison
  • The entrance of Hellena Prison
  • Hitching a ride in Hellena Prison
  • Sneaking into Hellena Prison
  • The elevator in Hellena Prison
  • The closed gate to Hellena Prison
  • Killing the guards of Hellena Prison
  • Lavitz meets Dart in Hellena Prison
  • Lavitz and Dart team up in Hellena Prison
  • Bale 1
  • Bale 2
  • Indels Castle
  • The entrance to Shirley's Shrine
  • The ride in Shirely Shrine 1
  • The ride in Shirely Shrine 2
  • Inside the Black Castle in Kazas
  • Fletz at night
  • The Valley of Corrupted Gravity 1
  • The Valley of Corrupted Gravity 2
  • The Land of Gigantos
  • The same as above only smaller
  • The Queen Fury
  • The Ghost Ship Commeth
  • The skull on the Ghost Ship
  • Here comes the Ghost Ship!
  • Sailors running around
  • "SMASH!!!"
  • Fueno
  • The Prison Island/Sea Cavern 1
  • The Prison Island/Sea Cavern 2
  • The Water City of Furni
  • The city of Deningrad
  • The Crystal Palace crumbling
  • The Crystal Palace getting zapped
  • The city is falling
  • The Church in Deningrad
  • The Forbidden Land 1
  • The same as above, but different colors
  • The same as above, only smaller
  • The Forbidden Land 2
  • The same as above, only smaller
  • The Mountain of Mortal Dragon
  • Kashua Glacier
  • Zenebatos 1
  • Zenebatos 2
  • Zenebatos 3
  • The Death City Mayfil
  • Feyrbrand chasing Dart
  • A nice picture of Feyrbrand
  • Something flying in the dusk
  • Fruegal fighting
  • Fruegal speaking
  • A man on his...horse?
  • Emperor Diaz rising
  • Emperor Diaz is coming closer
  • Guaraha
  • A rider
  • A Sandoran Guard
  • Selebus the Executioner
  • The game disks
  • Shana's disk
  • Summoning the Red-Eye Dragon 1
  • Summoning the Red-Eye Dragon 2
  • A large map of Endiness
  • A map of Endiness
  • A Fruit from the Divine Tree
  • A huge explosion!
  • The full instruction book cover
  • Dart's side of the instruction book cover
  • Germany's LoD game cover
  • Legend of Dragoon Action Figures! Collect them all!
  • Another look at Germany's Game cover
  • LoD notebook (not for sale!) :(
  • A black and white picture of Rose at Fort Magrad
  • The LoD OST cover
  • The Legend of Dragoon Booth at a trade show
  • An artist working on Shana
  • Dart for the Trade Show
  • Shana for the Trade Show
  • A menu screen
  • The opening screen (Japanese?)
  • The title screen
  • An overworld Map
  • Another Overworld Map
  • The cover to Prima's official guide
  • A rare quartet picture
  • The Dragon Campaign Story 1
  • The Dragon Campaign Story 2
  • The Dragon Campaign Story 3
  • The Moon Child Story 1
  • The Moon Child Story 2

Images from the Japanese game!

Note: These are NOT the real translations

  • Dart and Shana
  • Rose and the Hooded Man
  • Japanese game cover 1
  • Japanese game cover 2
  • Japanese Menu 1
  • Japanese Menu 2
  • Japanese Menu 3
  • Japanese Menu 4
  • Japanese Menu 5
  • Japanese Menu 6
  • Japanese Menu 7
  • Japanese Menu 8
  • Japanese Menu 9
  • Japanese Menu 10
  • Japanese battle screen 1
  • Japanese battle screen 2
  • "Like my horse?"
  • "Oops, I'm such a klutz..."
  • "Crap! A dragon!"
  • Japanese Overworld Map 1
  • Japanese Overworld Map 2
  • "I point my sword at you!"
  • "Now bow to me!"
  • "Dude, I'm Dragoon!"
  • "Wings....just aren't your style...."
  • Dart faints
  • "SHINIES!!"
  • "Not so loud, fool..."
  • "Damn, this place fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down..."
  • "He got sick because he ate all of the food..."
  • "By the way, I think that man over there with the silver hair is VERY sexy..."
  • "Trick or Treat!"
  • "Yes Master!"
  • "I'm a princess and you're not!"
  • "Hey! I'm talking here! Pay attention to me damnit!"
  • "I'm king...er...Queen of the World!"

Pre-Rendered images courtesy of Jeanine!

  • Aglis
  • Aglis 2
  • Aglis 3
  • Bale
  • Bale 2
  • Bale 3
  • Death Frontier
  • Deningrad
  • Deningrad 2
  • Donau
  • Donau 2
  • Ending Scene
  • Kazas
  • Marshlands
  • Mayfil
  • Mayfil 2
  • Mayfil 3
  • Moon
  • Moon 2
  • Moon 3
  • Moon 4
  • Neet
  • Shirley Shrine
  • Twin Castle
  • Ulara
  • Ulara 2
  • Zenebatos
Endiness, the Land of Dragoons! (2024)


Endiness, the Land of Dragoons!? ›

Endiness is the continent where the story of The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon
A Dragoon is the chosen vessel of the essence of a Dragon's soul: a Dragoon Spirit. The being of its choice becomes a Dragoon. Dragoon Spirits take form in a crystallized colored stone. There are only eight in existence – specifically, seven original spirits and one new spirit.
https://legendofdragoon.fandom.com › wiki › Dragoon
takes place. The history of the continent spans more than 11,000 years, where different species dominated the continent.

How does Legend of Dragoon end? ›

The whole Rose being reunited with Zieg after 10,000 years of being immortal and her Black Monster burden,and sacrificing themselves,dying together... And the two birds after the credits..Few games move me like this. I've just finished the journey and I already miss it.

What continent is The Legend of Dragoon? ›

Endiness is the world--or more accurately, continent--on which the game takes place. To the east lies Serdio, to the south, Tiberoa, to the north, Mille Seseau, and to the west, Gloriano and the Death Frontier.

What is The Legend of Dragoon 2012? ›

It was re-released in PlayStation Network December 22, 2010 in Japan and May 1, 2012 in North America. The game follows a young man, Dart Feld, on his journey through a world of magic, where ancient dragon warriors called Dragoons exist, to fight against evil forces who are threatening to destroy the world.

Who owns The Legend of Dragoon IP? ›

The Legend of Dragoon is a role-playing video game developed by Japan Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation in 1999 in Japan, 2000 in North America, and 2001 in Europe.

What is the point of Dragoons? ›

Dragoons were originally a class of mounted infantry, who used horses for mobility, but dismounted to fight on foot. From the early 17th century onward, dragoons were increasingly also employed as conventional cavalry and trained for combat with swords and firearms from horseback.

How many endings does Legend of Dragoon have? ›

No, there is one and only one true ending.

Do dragoons still exist? ›

In the U.K., four regiments exist, and they ride in light tanks and armored personnel carriers. Canada's senior armored regiment is the Royal Canadian Dragoons. In the United States, the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 48th infantry serve as mechanized infantry units and carry the dragoon title on their crest.

Why is it called dragoon? ›

The term "dragoon" came from the nickname for their weapon, the carbine or short musket, called "the dragon," which referred to the fire that emits out of the gun when fired, hence the term "dragon" or dragoon soldiers.

What is the 108th species in The Legend of Dragoon? ›

The Virage Embryo, or the God of Destruction, is the 108th species to come from the Divine Tree planted by Soa. Its sole purpose is to destroy the entire world and creation, and to give birth to a new world afterwards.

Will Legend of Dragoon ever get a remake? ›

Around the same time as the 2019 rumor, fans created a petition asking for a remake, which garnered nearly 30,000 signatures. The Bluepoint Studio rumors eventually fell through, after it was acquired by Sony in 2021. This acquisition made it far less likely that the studio would focus on further remakes.

Who is the black monster in Legend of Dragoon? ›

The Black Monster is the creature who has killed to save the world for 11,000 years, even being called a demon. It is then revealed to be Rose, a hero of the Dragon Campaign who found out of the horrid plan and determined to stop it. She had lived since then, living with a race who hated her but did not know it.

Why do people like Legend of Dragoon? ›

I was typical player who was only intrested about Final Fantasys and other Jrpg's. In due time i gave it another shot, and i really fell in love this time. I really liked Additions system, and Dragoons were so cool that it put many other games character concepts to shame.

Is Legend of Dragoon coming to PS5? ›

Control a wide variety of characters that wield unique weapons and Dragoon attacks powered by the elements in this unforgettable role-playing game. This title has been converted from the PlayStation® version to the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 consoles and provides newly added features.

Does Capcom own God hand? ›

God Hand is a beat 'em up video game developed by Clover Studio and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 2.

How old is Dart in Legend of Dragoon? ›


What happens to Shana in Legend of Dragoon? ›

She lives in the town of Seles as the Mayor's adopted daughter and grew up to live in relative peace until the Sandoran raid where she is targeted for unknown reasons and kidnapped. Taken to Hellena Prison, she is soon rescued by Dart and Lavitz Slambert and chooses to accompany them on their journey.

What happened to Claire in The Legend of Dragoon? ›

Claire left Dart at the edge of town to go fight with Dart's father. She died in the battle. Later, in the Moon, Haschel must face his past once more and confront his memory of Claire. He has to fight her apparition and accept the past he hates so much.

Who killed Lavitz in Legend of Dragoon? ›

Rose notices the weapon and yells out to Lavitz but he is already in the air. With ease he impales Lavitz through the dragoon armor fatally wounding him. Dart and Lavitz share their last moments, Lavitz asks him to end this once and for all. Dart swears to avenge his death.

Who is the bad guy in The Legend of Dragoon? ›

Lloyd is a major antagonist in the 1999 videogame The Legend Of Dragoon.

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Article information

Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 5491

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.