AUCTIONS AUCTIONEER! rouses rot SAU S3! Wyncoop Rd. Cozy COUJltry home. 6 rooms, bath, fur-i ARMS FOR SAU EEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom ranch-ijiT. MACHINERY SALE Wed. evening Laree living room, fireplace, dining area.
3 ceramic tile baths, built-in oven nd burner, dishwasher, concrete basem*nt, automatic heat Harris Hill Manor. RE 2-2254. St lower, 8 rooms, stove. refrigerator. RE 4-9721.
SECOND W. 117-3 room fur- nace. ail improvements, anuea wen, ACRES 127 miles out ideal home poultry house, school bus and at door, terms arranged, only Edison Realty, RE 3-918. BENNETT CIRCLE For Dies living. overlooking Seneca Lake -Inspect this modern ranch.
Large) Charming Country Colonial horns. for the retired. Large living jvpci den and modern kitchen, bath, i Tkon bedrooms, full basem*nt. 2-car ra- d. bth- Multa.
RE 2-7275. bedrooms, full basem*nt. 2-car ga 42! j'cORA'S Antiques s-d GifU. bought- sold. 3002 Gr.
Central between 14th and Lenox. RE 3-6701. DAVENPORT and matching chair. Excellent condition. Reasonable.
RE 2-0866 or 713 W. Third St evenings. DINING ROOM suite. In beautiful walnut. Reasonable.
315 Franklin. DISHES, antique and modern, glass and china. Many to choose from. Also frames, clocks, some furniture. Sat, Sun.
and Mon. 9 to 5. 256 Horner St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Rockers, chests, dressers, Wednesday, 9-6. 760 Spaulding St.
LINOLEUM RUGS 9x12. $5.75. Tiles, 7c each. Gublo's Floor 217 Oakwood Ave. RE 3-4202.
LOVELY old 6-leg cherry table, long 1 piece leaves. RE 2-5713. 98 Decker Pkwy W. SALE Private collection. Art glass, Steuben.
Tiffany, Galle, Penna. Settle. French clock, paintings. Oriental items Saturday. Sunday, Sept 16-1710-4.
78 White Village Dr, off 2446 Browncroft, Rochester, N. Y. SHERATON mahogany 9-piece dining room suite, pair of end tables, hand adding machine, electric calculator, reasonable. RE 3-2871. SOFA New, 3 chairs, used, $35.
RE 2-9652. THREE-PIECE living room suite. Upstairs. 427 Balsam St. RE 2-1860.
WAGON WHEEL bunk beds. $45, 30" deluxe tappan gas range $175, dressers etc. RE 9-4839 9x12 RUGS with rubber cushion, $35. Layton across from Sears lot. Buyers WANTED TO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 3 Rooms of Good FURNITURE Includes choice of Refrigerator or Gas Range.
3 rooms of furniture In excellent condition. Includes 5-pc. Bedroom, Dresser with mirror, Chest, Double Bed and 3 Boudoir Lamps. Also 3-pc. Living Room: 3 End Tables and co*cktail Table, Sofa, 3 Chairs, 2 Table Lamps, Throw Rug and 6-pc.
Dinette Set Easy Terms! Only $198.00. 8-PC. CONVERTIBLE SOFA BED LIVING ROOM SUITE Sofa Bed. 2 Chairs. co*cktail Table.
3 End Tables, 3 Table Lamps. Only $148.00 PLATFORM ROCKERS Reg. $39.95 Now $29.95 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR $48.00 Mahogany LAMP AND END TABLE Value to $39.95 Now $9 8S SPECIAL VALUE LINOLEUM RUGS Reg. $11.88 Each Now 3 For $12.95 RECLINING CHAIRS $9.88 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $1.50 Each 8-PC. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Includes Dresser, Vanity.
Night Stand, Bed, Spring and Mattress. Only $98.00 LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS ROB BINS WAREHOUSE OUTLET (Opposite Elks Club) ELMIRA DIAL RE 4-9540 HOME APPLIANCES FIXTURES 43 A 1954 Automatic Washer-Dryer, Foster hideabed, TV. RE 3-0752. ADMIRAL upright freezers, 12 cu. $174.95: 16 19 $259.95.
Terms. Sawyer, Dewey Sc Shum-way, 1113 Penna. Ave. Open until 9. ANYTIME STOP IN Gas ranges, water and space heaters, dryers.
Pyrofax bottled gas. Rhodes, Big Flats. AUTOMATIC Westinghouse washer, 3 years old, good condition. 219 Lyn hurst Horseheads. BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE White and colors.
Schuyler. Wells-bur. Dial RE 4-6644. BEN HUR The freezer with freex-ability Gregory's, 700 Madison. FDRNITURE-RUO-DISHES i ZOAR HILL rooms, 4 rooms, baths, attached garage.
lovely view, i acre plot, tow taxes GI approved. "VK) down payment. Utter Realty. RE 3-9586. NEAR WATKINS In small eommun- with beautiful stone fireplace, form al dining room with adjoining ter race, center call with open stwirway, extra large living room, modern kitchen, half bath down: 4 large bed rooms, lovely plank floors, full bath up: fully insulated, oil fired steam heat, aluminum storm windows and screens, attached 2-car garage, beau tifully landscaped, about 5 acres School bus at door.
This is one of our better homes and in excellent condition both inside and out Kretschman, RE 2-2825. NORTH CHEMUNG Land contract on this cute pink bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, cellar, garage, plus extra building, large corner lot. Blanchard, RE 9-5651. NORTHWEST SECTION 8mall double, 2'i barths, gas heat garage. $9 900.
Bv appointment only. RE 4-5777. HUdreth Realty. RE 9-5767 RE 4-0761. NORTHWESTERN SECTION Cape Cod.
Nearly new. 4 rooms and bath down; 2 nice bedrooms up. Lovely cellar with gas neat can Tupper, RE 3-7041. Realtor. OVERLAND ST.
If you desire per fection in a newer bungalow then inspect this adorable 4 room, 2 bedroom home. Beautiful kitchen and bath, painted basem*nt, lota of flowers in yard. Practically new drarpes and carpeting included. Aluminum siding. storms and screens.
Only $10 500. owner Florida bound son. RE 4-7146. ptvf raw 1 1 bedroom ranch, large living room and kitchen, finished cellar, 1V4 baths, 3-car garage, pony barn. Stiles ft Son.
RE 3-6575. READING CENTER 40 acres. 7 lnrrga rooms. 1.500 ft. road frontage.
Modern kitchen, oak floors, oil fur-nsce. Fully insulated. Newly painted Taxes $135, $7,500. Stiles A Bon, RE 3-6575. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Real family home, very large living room, dining room, kitchen down: 4 bedrooms and bath un: hardwood throughout, 220 wiring, hot water neat, good dry cellar, large lot.
E. v- amitn. KE 4-7573. RIDGE Road Area Very desirable home with stone front end planter. Pleasant living room, adjoining family room finished in Redwood paneling, Also lovely stone fireplace.
Cheerful kitchen, dishwasher, built-in range. 3 bedrooms, full basem*nt, attached garage. sl ft. lot Verv reasonable. Blanchard.
RE 9-5651. RIVERSIDE DISTRICT 8 rooms for owner plus 3 room apartment to pay expenses. Copper plumbing, gas heat, garage, price reduced to Utter Realty, RT. 17E Brick ranch. Very attractive.
Baseboard heat, oak floors. A-l dry basem*nt, double brick garage Rear yard fenced, shrubbed. Moore Realty. BE 2-1965. SOUTHPORT, a real buy.
5 rooms and bath plus enclosed porch, large living room with woodburning fireplace. 18x20 ft. Knotty pine kitchen with loads of built in cupboards, snack bar plus large dining area, 3 bedrooms and bath up. hot water, gas heat, 1-car garage. $12,500 takes it.
Dale Thornton, Salesman, A. Olson. RE 4-7146. SOUTHPORT Excellent 4-bedroom ranch, 2 baths, cellar, large kitchen Many extra features. Emmlck, RE 2-8S38 RE 9-1507.
SOUTHPORT 3 bedroom ranch, new Kennedy kitchen, nice lot, carport, low taxes and maintenance, owner anxious to sell. McCarty RE 3-4G74. SOUTHSIDB Family home or in coma property. Low taxes. Large lot.
Good condition. Direct from owner. RE 2-2911. SOUTHSIDE $8,900. Quiet location near schools.
Newly painted. Living room 20 ft. Modern kitchen and bath. 2 good sized bedrooms. Closets Unfinished expansion, flood dry basem*nt.
Gas heat. Garage. Double lot. KiHiicnard. ke g-6oi.
SUBURBAN HOME secluded area, private road, 6 miles Elmira: hm' woodburning; fire- acres. Only $4500. Aged owner must seu; MccorKleJlE 4-6183. BURBA S-bedroom'raiich. 3 vrs old, hardwood floors, basem*nt recreation room, attached garage, lot U'5x2n0.
Low taxes. E. V. Smith, RE 3-7573. SUBURBAN.
Horseheads If you nesirs quality workmanship In a brsnd new brick ranch home we have It! Large living room with brick fireplace tremendous kitchen styled to delight anv housewife. 3 lovely bedrooms, ceramic bath with vanity plus bath. Basem*nt partitioned for playroom with large brirk fireplace attached garage, seeded and shrubbed lot. Olson. 4-7146 VERY NICE 3-bedroom ranch with attached garage.
Beautifully finished recreation room gives extra liv ing space for growing family. Sep- sraie laundry room. Full basem*nt Iwige lot Near Horseheads school Hazel Ruppenthal, Resltor. RE VILLAGE HOME for retirement Weston, In lake country: about an acre: good bouse, garage, shop Moore Realty, RE 2-1965. WELLSBI'RO Owner leaving state offers home completely fur nished.
7 rooms In good repalrj hsirko aii'i wors hoop, acre 101 complete $8200. Blanchard, BE 9-5651 WEST ELMIRA Church terrace section, 3-vear-oId. 8-room Cape Cod or 4 bedrooms. Under $16 000. RE WEST ELMIRA Compact 4 rooms.
monern Kitchen snd bath. Full bwsa- MOUSES rOI SAU EIMIRA TEIEGRAM Sundiy, Sept. 10, 1961 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICI 21 $ATER WELLS and pumping sys- terns since jsa. iuai d-sini RE 3-6901, C. W.
Crandall. Pine City. WATER WELLS We give you more for the ame money. Guarantees Drilling end Pump Supply BE Z-57S5 RE 9-2641. COMMERCIAL PHOTO ENGRAVINd For newspapers, year books, club publications end all type of job AH work promptly done at reasonable rates by Elrotra Star-Gaxette Engraving Department Open daily 8 to 4 Monday through Friday.
Dial RB 4-5151. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENTS 22 FTvtPRF.r.T. Real Estate RE 4-9465 Buying or selling. specialize In all types oi property. IF YOU HAVE property lor sale or rent call Ray Brookman.
Realtor, for prompt, reliable service. RE3-9366 HOUSES FOR SALE 23 Vit.itman AVE. Built 1956. spaci ous ranch with wall to wall carpeting parquet floors in bedrooms, 14 hnth hasemcnt with grade level entrance, finished den or study tiled floor, attached gar age, large lot. For appointment E.
E. Wood, KB 3-H1SU. i fupsTr'p st Attractive large 3 bedroom ranch, large modern kltch-j err. natural trim, me nam, ramiim storms, -2-car ravage wun ynuu. blacktop, large lot.
new paint, taxes niv 17S. Sea It today. Stiles A Son. EBHift tRESCENT sell land onil six-room, modern kitchen and bath, taxes $150, TV cable. Btlies on.
in furrTfrtt AVE. A nicely laid out horns. Entry hall with open stair ease, 4 bedrooms, nnisnea Living room with fireplace, formal dining room, spacious kitchen with dinette. 14 baths, hot water heat, basem*nt playroom, garage. Must be sold.
Look Into this one today! Olson. RE 4-7146. Fl'LTON ST. Near St. Marys School end southside high.
Immacu-late 7 room, 4 bedroom home. 2 ear garage, only $9,000. Olson RE 4- 7146. roivn rr.VTRAf. 3090 Horseheads.
Truly outstanding brick rancher. See this one to appreciate it. Blauvelt. kejkwty. feRAT 379 Ideal for couple working downtown.
Newly decorated 4-bedroom home. Modern kitchen and bath, new wiring, new furnace, garage. Excellent buy at J. Ambrose. RB 2-66S8 Harriet st.
$4500 buys a 7 room, bedroom home. Large lot. low taxes, gas heat Olson, RE 4- 7146. i fl ARRIS HILL MANOR Built Truly lovely home, i large bed-i rooms, dining room, eersmlc bath, birch kitchen, full cellar, garage.j perfect condition Lot Stiles A Son, RE 3-6575, EeNOX Ill Cape Cod, 6 rooms, kitchen with breakfast nook, large living room with fireplace, laundry room, concrete cellar, hot water heat, garSKe. double lot.
Low taxes. $12.700. Klngsley, RE 4-7281. vin TRST Ave. $1,000 down.
Ill ness forces sale. California ranch, 3 bedrooms. Covered patio and carport. Huge corner lot. Blanchard RE 9-5651.
mi a pi AVE Ideal for large fam ily or use as Income. 10 lovely rooms, hauutlfnlv new htrrh kitchen, hard wood floors 2 baths, corner lot. all new wlrlna. copper plumbing, water and sewage lines. Blanchard, RE 9-565 WAPLE AVE One of Southports loveliest ranch type homes situated fn a beautifully- landscaped lot iiiStIM Inrae living room wltn lire Flace.
3 bedrooms. 14x27 paneled nmily room. 1j baths, tiled rec-rention room, completely air con ditioned throughout, gas heat. 2 car garage. Taxes only $250 yearly.
iter Realty, HK 3-9nH6. MIDDLE Rd. Close In, lovely 2 bedroom modern country home. Full basem*nt, large lot. will ac cept trailer.
Canada, Broker, RE 9-27S2. SilDDLE ROAD Horseheads. Beautiful Cape Cod. 4 bedrooms, attached garage. Well shrubbed.
Spie 'n span Inside snd out. Blauvelt. RB 9-3677, MORROW 207 Lovely 6 rooms. I modern bath, kitchen. New aulo-mstlc gas furnace.
Beautiful yard end surroundings. Excellent buy. 900 RK RK JkNNA AVE 10 redecorated rooms.1 remodeled kitchen and hath. Hardwood floors down. Large lot.
$9,000. 3-7468. fERSONII'3 RD. Attractive 4-bedroom ranch, dining room, stone front, covered patio, garane. storms, lot 110x150, very reasonable.
Htllee A Fon. RE 3-6575 T'lNE WOODS DRIVE Perfect con dition, built 2 years 3 large ben rooms, large living room, log fireplace, dining room. Many extras. bins built-in washer and dryer, refriaerator. Dran-i.
Birch kitchen with bullt-lns. Garage. Stiles eci Son. BE 3-6575. Reynolds "st" Bungalow.
Ideal for retiring. Large lot fenced, trees and flowers. Selling due to illness A-l basem*nt. Moore Realty, RE 3-1965. fAUDT Rd.
Will accept trailer on 2 bedroom home, full basem*nt, 1 acre land $4,900. Canada, Broker. RB S-2732. FEB RING AVE.49.57ib, A-l condition Inside and out. 2 bedroom ranch.
large modern kitchen, tile bath, ptorms, 2-car garage, taxes $123 Ft lies A Son. RE 3-6575 COPER ST. Vacant 7 room home, garage. $1000 down payment on land contract buys it. Olson, RE 4-7146.
SUNSET CIRCLE Horseheads Newer ranch with attached garHKi nice rooms, 3 bedrooms, kitchen with built-in range, full basem*nt nue linndy location. Blanch- rd. RK THIRD St. In come $1,860 per year. 4-6 rooms each.
Oak floors, modern kitchens Lot 66 144. Mhv assume mortgage. Stiles Son, MW 8-6575, A KINS Rd "bedroom (sTttn- flnlshedl modern home Hardwood floors, full basem*nt, attached garage, Permastnne exterior, large lot $6.501. Canada. Broker.
RE 9-27II2 Vn.VSOR CIRCLE. 81 (Off Decker Pkwy West Elmira. Lovely bungs low. bedrooms, built 4 years Down payment (or trml. A'Sume payments 41 mor'gatte Monthly payments Includes taxes, Interest, principal, Ktcellctit Pijy.
KIT. 3-1223. after ft. Krra-IZ4 A Better Concept to buy or sell rie colored slides and take picture- Information form of properties that interest you. Rest service 2 projectors and duplicate slides.
Blauvelt, A HOME to be proud of. fills besiT tiful. suburban with formal en tranee, lsri-e living room, culslon. fireplace, formal dining ro.rn, 1-t l.or lavatory den snd modern kit- rh-n 4 Joveiy bedrooms snd tile b'h up, reireatlon room basem*nt.
hot waier h-at gus fired 3 car gs-rage, S're lot, For appointment all Ray Brookmsn, Realtor. P.E3- ASKING A good buy for a handy man. Owner will help finance. room house, good Southside location, Offers wekome Mrfsrty Co, PIT t-AHTi i.KI,.. L- -Itr.
T- ATTENTION:! Maple Ave. roomy home. 4 rooms, pantry snd center ha 'I down: 4 snd hath up; lot 9 300 $15,000. McCorkle, RE 4-6183. ATTENTION Retired couple, newly w-ds or small family.
Only for this spie and span lust over the city line in flout hport Living room, dining room. bed- rooms (3 down, 1 up), bsth. mod-i 8-D 4 MAIN N. 7074 Lower furnished rmm mnriern Private nisned, $12. RE 3-4600 RE 2-1754.
SLY ST. 2 rooms, nicely furnished. Large, light and pleasant RE 3-3539 RE3-4361. WATER. W.
Attractive 4-room, un-furnished, heated apartment porch. RE 2-4946. WATER W. 3 rooms furnished. All conveniences.
RE 2-3609 RE 2-6413. WEBBER 323 Upper, unfurnished 4 rooms, bath. Adults. ATTRACTIVE 6 room upper. Private.
Riverside. RE3-43S2. CLEAN, small upper, unfurnished. RE 2-5182. CLOSE IN, nicely furnished, 2 and 3 rooms.
Adults. RE 3-1940. COLLEGE Area Unfurnished 6 rooms, bath, utilities. RE 4-6854. DESIRABLE 2-bedroom upper, and garage.
Adults. $70. RE 2-3157 nrewnutw-namm. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment. floor.
Available Nov. 1. Utili ties furnished. 308 Madison Ave. FURNISHED Charming West Cen tral, living, bedroom, bath kitchenette, 1 adult.
$55. RE 2-6355. FURNISHED UPPER, 3 rooms and bath. Adults. RE 2-4865.
FURNISHED 2 rooms, all conven iences Dial RE 9-9293. FURNISHED 3-room upper. Private entrance, natn. 8l) montn. KE 3-0752.
HEIGHTS Furnished 3 rooms Pri-vate bath, utilities. RE 3-358. HEIGHTS 241 Scottwood. Unfurnished upper, 4 rooms, bath, $55 plus electricity. RE 2-0147.
HEIGHTS Furnished 4 rooms. 132 E. 11th St. HEIGHTS Unfurnished 4 rooms, bath utilities, $15. RE 3-3578.
HOMESTEAD Unfurnished, 3 rooms, tile bath. T.V. plus, many other features. Close to shopping center. RE 3-9358.
HORSEHEADS 3 upper furnished rooms, oatn. private entrance. 906 S. Pine St. JUST OUTSIDE 3 large rooms, up, private, on Troy Kd.
RE 3-6381. LOWER Maple Ave. Upper 4 room, bath, unfurnished, heat, electric. $55. RE 2-2051.
NEWLY redecorated 6 room apart ment. Adults onlv. Snyder Food Market. 119 Hoffman St. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS 2 and bath furnished.
Idea! for 1 or 2 adults. Utilities, parking. RE 4-7718. SMALL furnished apartments, close to downtown. $10 and up.
RE 4-8o94 SOUTHSIDE Furnished, 3 rooms, elderly lady preferred. RE 4-6739. THREE furnished rooms, bath. 704 Kinyon St. THREE ROOMS Nicely furnished.
Private bath. Parking close to downtown. RE 3-4361 RE 3-3539. TWO or 3 room furnished apartment. All utilities.
1 or 2 ladies preferred. 133 W. McCann Blvd. RE 3-4430 after 6. UNFURNISHED 3', rooms.
Garage tor rent tan KE.H-aiou. UNFURNISHED 4 rooms (2 bedrooms). 240 Horseheads Blvd. RE 3-2266. UPPER Four rooms.
Road. RE 3-6369. Bird Creek WEST CENTRAL Upper 6 rooms natn. neated. Attractive.
Moore Kealty. KE 2-1965. ROOMS AND SUITES 35 CALDWELL AVE. 3083 nice clean sleeping rooms for ladies. RE 2-3284.
525 Room, shower Gentleman. Parking. RE 4-9448. COLLEGE AVE. 500 Nice sleeping room, private entrance.
$7. FIRST. 210 Room. Near Lang-don Plaza. Gentleman.
RE4-7S56. FIRST W. 356 Newly decorated fur nished apartment Share lovely new bath with 2 ladies. RE 4-7680. LAKE 1006 2-room apartment and sleeping room.
SOUTH AVE. 509 Sleeping room in wiaow nome for business person or teacher. Use of kitchen, handy to all Southside schools and bus line, garage available. WATER, 530-Large. light house- Keeping room.
RE 4-7393. STORES BUSINESS PROPERTY 39 AVAILABLE OCT. 1ST. Ground floor store or offices, full concrete basem*nt A room for expansion Well-located near Banks on Water St Call RE 4-5128 days bet 9 A 5. BUSY CORNER E.
Church and High. 4 rooms. Suitable for restaurant or other business. RE 4-6747 sfter 8 p. m.
WANTED-TO RENT TWO-BEDROOM sinble house, adults. Reasonable. RE S-0316. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FURNITURE-RUG-DISHES 42 A BED-DAVENPORT, in food condition. RE 3-9708.
AUCTION PRICES on good used furniture, Chemung Furniture, 158 Lake. BEDS. DRESSERS, picture frame, dishes, other furniture, some antiques. Sat, Sun. 614 Penna.
Ave. "BUY AND SELL THROUGH US' Auctions, house sales, appraisals, Chemung Furniture. 158 Lake St CHERRY schoolmaster desk, excellent condition; bow china cabinet, walnut hanging shelf. RE 2-4068. COME OUT snd see and you'ii agree it's Bartlett's for good used furniture.
1443 Cston Ave. BERN" FURNITURE, IXC. Lake at Water Visit our 4th floor Discount Outlet' in our Main Store. Used floor sample and reclaimed furniture and appliances. 3 COMPLKTK ROOMS OP FURNITURE PLUS FREE APPLIANCE $188 $2 WEEKLY Includes Plec Living Room Suite.
2 End Tables. Coffee Table 2 Lwmps Bed, Dresser snd Mirmr. Spring. Mattress and 6-Plec Breakfast. Set, Plus Re-frlgerstor or Stove EXTRA SPECIALS Table Lamps 3.61 9x12 Linoleum Rugs (new) 4 61 Odd Coffee and End Tables 91 Magazine Ras ks (new) 9.61 Box Springs snd Mattress 9 61 Desk Chairs (new) $9 61 Metal Springs $1261 Hollywood Outfit, Complete $2961 Tlatform Rocker $29 61 2-Plece Living Room Suite 13961 BERN FURNITURE INC.
LAKE AT E. WATER ST. OPEN MONDAY A -9 P. M. Dial RE i-6660 RE 1-6661 APARTMENTS j1 Close-in lh acres, ern home, 3-4 bedrooms, about 1,000 spruce trees, garage, no repairs needed.
$9 500, cash or land contract. Stiles eV 8on. RE 3-6575. Exclusive Listing STRATHMONT AREA GARDEN RD. 733, Unusual opportunity to purchase one of the moat beautiful custom built homes in the most exclusive residential area.
This gracious home offers all the special features and detail planning so important to a discriminating buyer. The solid brick construction is flawless. Lovely entrance hall, large spacious living room In rear overlooking enormous brick patio with beautiful custom built bar-b-que, formal dining room overlooks smaller patio in rear. Beautifully appointed kitchen with breakfast area, luxurious master bedroom with adjoining ceramic tile bath. 2 other bedrooms 1 now used as library.
Second ceramic tile bath located between bedrooms. Beautiful brick fireplaces in living room and basem*nt. Forced hot water circulating heat. Wall to wall carpeting and stunning custom made draperies Included. This outstanding home Is in expellent condition, located on beautifully landscaped grounds affording utmost privacy.
Offered at very attractive price far below replacement cost. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY MARGARET LAWLESS RE 4-5651 Eleanor C. Shoemaker Broker RE 9-5541 A STONE FIREPLACE In a cabin in the woods an old time dream of relaxation and a rare luxury in these hectic days, but it can be yours now In a remote patch of woods on a high hill BUT practically next door to home. This hideaway cottage with all the conveniences of home but with the privacy of the wilderness is Just about thirty minutes from Elmira on a main traveled road and five minutes up the hill to a superb spot of six lovely acres. $9,800 The WHEAT Agency INCORPORATED Realtors-Insurors $5 Denison Parkway East Dlarl XF-8741 SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST There Is no reason for you to have "Second Best" in a home when the finest is available and within your means.
Check these points for Windsor Gardens: 1 Lowest Down Payments available. (Nothing down for Veterans) 2 Lowest Monthly Payment! Per $1,000 Widest Selection of Floor Plans and Designs. In-eluding ranches, split levels, split foyers, 2 stories and Cape Cods. 4 Excellent Location, close to fine schools, parks and new' shopping center Maintenance Free aluminum exterior 4 Top Quality Construction throughout BEE OUR MODEL HOMES TODAY IN WINDSOR GARDENS, HORSEHEADS Open Daily 10 to f. Sat and Sun 1 to 1 JOHN D.
MAYOR, INC. RE 9-5631 Builder of National Hornet LOTS ACREAGI 23A ACRES About 7. Near Centerville Good drilled well and spring. Ideal for house or trailer. Moore Realty.
RE 2-1965. ACRES, 40 With 3.000 Christmas trees. Also 15 seres scenlo hilltops Corning XN 2-1710. BUY YOUR LOT now In "Country Estates." only AA soned area in the Town of Horsehesds. for beau ty, protection and suburban living at its best, call Modern Land liev.
A Bldg. Corp. RE 8-4831 RE 9-3855. COLEMAN Ave Sacrifice 101 1 260 All utilities, will nnance. mm a-nnaa side.
Dial KB HOME SITES Big Flats, Comfort mil. wexi inn, james eic. on emiiaie lr. oir Miouie un. norsenean.
r.asy terms, r.r. LOT 450 ft. on Christian Hollow Rd. with drilled well. Will sell on land contract RE 2-8788 days only.
INCOME-BUSINESS PROPERTY 24, CRYSTAL MANOR Located In tbe ''i oi i mm win. nini. mately 5 seres of valuable land. Zoned for business. RE 3-5211, Ernest E.
Ilnmm. Broker. FULTON DUPLEX rooms, hath each side A-l condition, floored attic, good basem*nt, lovely large lot Moore GRAND CENTRAL AVE. Hors-had. Pr.ifltarhle tourist home Ex cellent condition.
Blauvelt RE 3677 Mi hts urnisiiei complete 2 apartment house. New wiring snd bath Gas h-st. (Cash, no Km3 con-l tract). Owner. RE 3-2105 HEIGHTS" WESTERN 1 Mor'ktol school, Boston, upper 4 rooms snd bath very modern and private.
lower" consists of 4 rooms and hUi! with expansion possible, attached garaxe nice lot. low down payment: to riKht party. Blanchard. RE 9-5651. NEAR COLLEGE Boston flat.
4 and rooms and bath erh, double gars Moore Realty, RK 3-1965. SOUTH AVE. 3 'simrfmenr income? 5 snd bath each. Both apartments spotless and attractive Circuit breaker wiring, copper plumbing. Utilities separate Olson.
HE 4-7146 Income property Knsion moma Knir. tit I. itles. garage, convenient location. SOUTHPORT ST.
t.srgr inrmer grocery store. Lot 64x128 mimne's roncfl Son HE 3-6575 Taxes $110. Btlles A WESTS IDE Boston. rooms and bsth, each, porches, gas best, garages Ideal location for professional office. Owner RE 1-117.
NOUSES FOR SAU I Sept. 13 at 7 p. m. mi. West of Wellsboro.
Pa. on tne uiumpiunn Rd. at the Howard Hazelton farm. Follow Auction signs from the airport road. As we have discontinued farming and Bold our dairy, we will sell without reserve all our machinery including: 2 tractors, one Masey Harris, one Minneapolis Moline, J.
D. forage harvester. J. D. wagon with forage box, Oliver plow, J.
D. harrow, H. 4 section drag. Graham wagon. New Idea side rake, David Bradley tractor mower.
Mccormick Deering binder. IHC I bottom tractor plow. M. H. cultivator, D.
B. manure spreader. J.D. side delivery hay rake, IHC 16-7 tractor grain drill, D. B.
power saw, 5 can Babson cooler, Sears single unit milker. 1953 F-6 2 Ton Ford truck. Terms: cash night of sale. Mr. snd Mrs.
Howard Hazelton, Owners. Sale by Beard's of Knox-ville, Pa. HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Saturday, Sept. 16. 10 a.m.
snarp, seiuns entire contents of 613 Reynolds Elmira. Davenport and chairs, dining room suite, coffee table, 9x12 rug like new. Doyle Marks piano, 2 bedroom suites, Frigidaire refrigerator, White Star gas stove, like new limed oak breakfast set, drop-head Singer, unusual spinet china closet, metal cabinets, bookcases, lamps, linens, electric heater. This sale has some unusual antiques in excellent condition cherry schoolmaster desk, old clocks, very old green glass, thistle pattern, hand painted china, milk Klfs. cut glass, vaseline glass.
Quize lU pair matched bristol vsaes, ml lamp, and many other items. Sale by order of E. R. Srholtz. Auctioneer Larry Personms.
RE. J-auo. HOUSEHOLD AND REAL MTATS Auction-Saturday, Sept 16 at 11 located in South Due to the recent death! of my husband I will sell all my property. 7-ft refrigerator. Norge gas range, wringer washer, 5-pc.
break; fast set with formica top. cabinet and kitchen cabinet, maple set with 4 chairs, dining room siute. 6 maple chairs with cane wine platform rocker, tilt chair, library table, drum table, mirror and corner bracket, rocker clwr. lamps, 1 floor lamp, mahogany step-end table, end tables, living room suite, coffee table, daveno. 92-ft rug ind pad.
Admiral vacuum cleaner 2 radios. Cooper rocker, round table, beautiful crocheted table cloths 72x72 and 48x48. "any other crocheted items; 6-place tln; oi china Jenny Lind bed with springs and mattress, maple dresser steel bed and dresser baby bed with Simmons mattress, baby acale. curtain stretchers, bedding and linen. Oak heater, oil space heater, rooking utensils, some small tools, shovel and pick.
2 step ladders wheel barrow, garden tools, power lawn mower, few antiques VTon Ford Pickup. Real estate will be offered if not sold before sale. 7-room house on blacktop, electric and telephone. acre land with voung fruit trees, school bus. low taxes.
Owner will help finance to the right party. Terms cash on household. 10 down on real estate, balance on passing of deed. Mrs Marv Horton. Miller's Auction Service.
Earl Miller. Auctioneer and Sales Mgr. Office ph. Odessa 190-A. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AUCTION Saturday, September 16th 2 P.
M. Lundys Sport Shop, 17 Lke St, Owego, N. T. To settle the estate of the late Lloyd Lundy. Complete stock of merchandise, consisting of hunting and fishing equipment, boating, athletic supplies, bike accessories, key making setup, power tools, notions, store fixtures, in fact the business assets except accounts receivable.
To be sold In BULK at one time as lot of the whole. Plus: 1959 Pontiac Catalin Safari Station Wagon. 17.500 miles, radio, power brakes snd steering. Excellent condition. Inspection of both Saturday at 10 a.
m. Terms: $500 cash or certified chock on merchandise and $100 on vehicle, at knock down, bntlance at transfer of title to both. Executor. GEORGE H. BOLDMAN GERALD N.
MEAD Auctioneer Phone Owego MU 7-1930 46th ANNUAL ALLEGANY-STEUBEN CLUB SALE TUESDAY EVENING SEPT. 12, 1961 7:15 P. M. The sale will be at the Steuben County Fairgrounds, Bath. N.
Y. 60 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 6 55 Fresh or Close cows and heifers 5 Service Age Bulls (Selections by W. D. Brown, Ithaca. N.
"The oldest consecutive Hol-stein Club Sale in the World," welcomes 'you to another in a aeries of breed promotion sales. From the top Holstein breeder's in the area come some of these top attractions: Three daughters and a son of Rag Apple Sovereign Texal (V.G.-G.M.) daughters to 704F and a son from a 606 V. R9 dam; 2 daughters of Council Rock Worthy Aristo- erat (EX-GM) from dame over BflOF; a daughter of tvon Brook Wallie Chief (EX): a top show daughter of Maple View Columbine Woodmaster fresh with a heifer calf by a 618a daughter of Curtis Candy Invincible (EX); a V. G. 502a daughter of Pender Kane Corporal KKillarney from a 770 dam.
Five service age sires sell from dams with lifetime records to 158. 150M 59S5F. A very strong selection of heifer calves also sell, ideal for Club projects AN IDEAL PLACE TO BUY YOUR FALL REPLACEMENTS MOST WILL BB ELIGIBLE FOR INTERSTATE 30 day T. B. and BLOOD TEST VACCINATED CATALOGS ON RBI-QUEST LUNCH AVAIL.
ABLE TRUCKING ARRANGED. Harris Wilcox. Inc. Salei Mags. Auctioneers, Bergen, N.
Y. Phone 146. Burton Ketch. 8a le Bath N.Y, George Arnold, Club See. Kanona, N.
Y. MERCHANDISE ARTICLES FOR SAU 41 A.BC. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Low prices, big stocks Terms. JHample 3i' Carrol), RE 3-9136 PETTER PRICE on gasoTirleTonly 25 9 per g-aj. tota prlP Sav 716 Baldwin, A COMPLETE LINE of eleTtri wiring materials, lighting fixtures etc Don Wright Hanoer Square, Horseheads.
ADDING MACHINES Used and new $32 up. Red Goodwin, enna Ave A GOOD 4 cylinder, Lipman air com-pressor, capable of to 9 cu ft per minute. l' hp. single phase f.E motor 2 wheel box trailer. Berber's 8inclalr, Big Flata.
ALLEN'S PTlNTS-VffHrii paint prices Net r. Paints $2.95 gat. Dutch line outjiide hoiise paints $460 porch paints $.1 95 house paints 12.95 nens. tin Haidwin ALUMINUM Storm Doors, 1 Inch, $24 95; 3 track aluminum combination windows, $10 95. Charles, If.S State, next to Post nffi.e 'AMAZING TV Type MIcroaTTpT piTT.
ii.Ki.iy wiitKj.uin imaase onto Illuminated screen Use both eves No strain Several mav view' at same time Changeable powers Electric Onlv $9 95 DuMaurtr Co'. Elmira Theatre Bldg. l. livine room with attractive brick fireplace and cathedral type ceiling. Modern kitchen, dinette.
2 bedrooms and den (or 3 bedrooms), covered rear patio, carport, lovely yard. Low taxes j. Ambrose. Kfc z-b( CAN BE purchased on land contract, Penna. Ave.
5-bedroom, 2 baths, garage and carport. RWerdala Real ty, KE 9-954 KK 9-41SS. CLOSE IN Large living room, din- inz room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, lt baths, hardwood floors. Sacrifice $7,900.
Dial RE 4-9557. CLOSE TO CITT Comfortable home, large living room, den. Kitchen. 2 bedrooms. 1J baths, imme diate possession, reasonable.
$1,000 down. Edison Realty. KJS 3-ssis. COZY BUNGALOW 4 rooms, bath, automatic gas heat, double lot 200, EE 3-6147, after DRASTICALLY REDUCED in price! Must be sold! 2 bedroom ranch bungalow only years old in good West fcimlra location near iouroes. Ideal for person alone or small fam ily.
Low upkeep, low taxes. Don't miss this! J. Ambrose. RE 2-6688. DUNDEE Very lovely modern home, or Income.
3 baths, 4 ear garage. Moore Realty, RE 2-1965. ELK LAND 6 rooms, new bath, all copper plumbing, hardwood floors, full basem*nt for laundry. 2 car garage, immediate possession. Taxes paid.
Phone Elkland 3232 after 4. ELMIRA 7 miles, ranch type dwelling, 5 well arranged rooms, 3 bedrooms, full basem*nt, forced air heat. "4-acre lot, Elmira school bus at door. 1 block to store and church, $11,500. Blanchard.
RE 9-5651. ELMIRA HEIGHTS-Western section. Cozy 6 room bungalow. Clean and neat as a pin. Large lot, gar-fle.
Price reduced. McC'arty RE 3-4674. Evenings RE 2-4009. ENJOY Cool summers and winter warmth in this attractive 7 rooms, hath. Reasonable price.
Low upkeep. Near St Patrick's and Booth Schools, churches and business. Moore Realty. RE J-1965. FOR QUICK action, dependable serv-! Ice and satisfactory results place, your property in the hands of Grace Haight Parker, RE 3-4616.
GIBSON, N. Y. About 1 acre 7 rooms, bath, 220 wiring, low price. Moore Really, RE 2-1965. GRACIOUS OLDER HOME Just off Maple Ave.
Center entrance hall, 4 spacious rooms, full bath first floor; 4 large bedrooms, full bath lip-etairs. Closets galore. Tree shaded lot 200 ft. deep, new 2-car garage. Reasonable offer considered B'or Rippointment RE 2-3657 RE 3-9958, Hazel Ruppenthal, Realtor.
HARRIS HILL MANOR Gilder Circle, Rt. 17E. Homes open for inspection daily 10-6 Empire Homes, RE 3-0990. HAVE YOU been waiting for a rood buy on a newer 6-room home? This one has 3 bedrooms, full basem*nt. 2-car garage, cement drive, aluminum storms, and screens, well shrubbed lot 165 ft.
deep. A real buy at $13,900. Convenient Horseheads location. For appointment, HK 4-79SO RE 2-9958, Hazel Ruppenthal. Realtor.
HEIGHTS Horseheads area At tractive I bedroom ranch with hreezewav and garage By appointment only. RE 4-5777. Hildreth Realty RE 9-5767 RE 4-0761. HEIGHTS W. 13th St.
7 room home, 2 baths, gas heat garage, $8 950. By appointment onlv. RE 4-5777. Hil- dreth Realty. RE 9-6767 RE 4-0761, HORSEHEADS Area Price reduc ed.
bedroom ranch, large living room, recreation room, carport, taxes $135, lot 100 140. McCarty Co. RE 3-4674, evenings RE 2-2902. HORSEHEADS NechooT. 3-bedroom ranch.
Full cellar, garage and carport, $12,000. Emmlck, RE 9-259SRE 9-1507. HORSEHEADS Suburban, good 3-bedroom, new bsth, new gas furnace: lot 100 290 2-car garage. $12 900, McCorkle, RE 4-6183. HORSEHEADS Very nice5-year-o'ld ranch, with linge living room, dining area, kitchen with breakfast area.
3 bedrooms snd bath. Full base ment. Available Immediately mortgage ($84 monthly), may be assumed. For appt, call RE 3-6618, F. Milne.
HORSEHEADS W. Broad St. Very lovely home. Charming living room with beamed ceilings and fireplace. All pine kitchen with range.
Dining room area with hutch. 2 bedrooms and bath down. 2 bedrooms snd hath up. Recreation room with fireplace Lot 125 300 with abundance of; shrubs snd trees. Owner transferred.
Immediate possession! Blanchard, RE 9-5651. HORSEHEADS 3 bedroom ranch, built 220 wiring, gas heat, hardwood floors, garaee. Only $9,500 Utter Realty, RE 3-9586 HORSKHEADS 2lTwindlilK Way. 3 bedroom rancher in Al condition Big lot. A bargain.
Blauvelt, RE 9-3677. HORSEHEADS 1007 Center rooms. Handy location. Nice lot Priced now to sell. Treat Realty Service.
RE 9-3S34-RE S-2WJ4. HORSEHEADS 731 Westlake. and bath ranch, 3-bedroom. Large liv ing room with dining area. Modern kitchen with lots of cupboards.
0k riors and trim, Hollywood closels Full concrete cellar, gas heat, 220 electric. Large lot. A-l condition. Kmgsley, RE 4-7281. HORSEHEADS Easy to care for -bedroom ranch, large living room, den, attached garage, fine basem*nt, well shrubbed lot.
Under $16iK)0 RE 2-3157 RE 8-5211, Brownlow-Hinnm. HORSEHEADS, Close-in, quiet street, Cape Cod, large living room, stone ftrepnre, 2 bedrooms, pleasant, well-arranged kitchen, 1 small room up also large room Partially finish ed. basHinetit Kantsc, laice well shrubbed lot. Blanchard RE 9-5651 HORSEHEADS VILLAGE beautiful ranch, large living room. 3 good sized bedrooms, lovely Ichen screened porch, garage, well shruh- nd lot, tastTully decorated snd In excellent condition, $13,400.
Blanch ard, KALKM InnCLEifTrsheads stim ning new 3 bedroom ranch home Just completed. Large hlrch kitchen with built in range and oven, lovely living room, beautiful maple floors 2 cur garage, blacktop drive snd yard light. Near Ridge Rd school. A price you can all afford only IB 500. Olson RK 4-7146 LIVING LUXURY you can sfford- (oumry Estates.
Horseheads Hps Clous 1740 sq. ft executive type fiome custom built to owners ep'tlflcaflona. offers modern ranch efficiency combined with a rhsrse terislic of ihe past, a big fsmlly sire kitchen Center entrance foyer! connects with central hall tolnine; bedroom section to other areas of the house. The living and dining rooms, arranged "In line stretch for 32 long, luxurious feet separated bv a mnaslve natmsl stone three-way flreplsre which marks the division of the two. This home has three bedrooms, lu, baths, an nver-size for Informal entertaining with sliding glass th.rmopsne doorx opening Into rear lawn, two car gnrar and full walkout basem*nt offering rerrestlnn room possibilities.
Situated on 1-H acre lot on h.autlful Scenic Drive, tins home was rontructed In 1959 at coat of Mortgage can he assumed To expedite qulrlc sals owner will crept $3 000 i ash and help finance balsrine of equity required Shown bv appointment only. Call RK, sfter p. ni MODERN room country home Beautiful living room with brick fireplace, kitchen serving and cooking island bulit-lns, 1' bsths 2-car gsrafie, i e. ree land Priced to sell new Treat Rlty Hervles vVruf i in" 1 wTfh wrT'f "sUll'l l.Ttl V' ZlL.L. I rage, good garden land, some woods.
Must be seen to be appreciated. Edison Realty. RE 3-9818. ACRES 41 7 head of beef cattle, farm machinery, barn, pond. A beautiful 3 bedroom furnished home, laundry, huge basem*nt attached garage, excellent buy.
Canada Broker. KE 9-2732. FREE Rural real estate folders with photos. United Farm Agency, C. D.
Winch. Box 7. Horseheads. READING- CENTER Off main high, way. About 65 acres.
A-l roomy house, good water, barn, tool house, garage, henhouses, etc. Beautiful view of lake. Ideal for home or site for motel. Moore Realty. RE 2-1965.
SPACIOUS FARM HOUSE 10 rooms, bath, insulated, oil heat, new drilled well, 82 acres, small barn. Convert income 3 apartment home possibility. Beautiful location. Millerton area. LEnox 7-2972.
ULSTER. PA. Modern home. acres, drilled well, nearly new coal furnace, enclosed front porch, fire place. 2 car garage, barn, other buildings.
Write M. Lent. Friend-ship, N. Y. COTTAGES-RISORV PROPERTY 2 CLAYTON 1000 Island.
Housekeeping cottages on the river. $4 00 to $8.50 daily also weekly. NT 6-6786 or Bell-Vue. Cottage Box 64. SENECA LAKE Exceptional list of irontage properties.
Up to 1200 in 1 lake level frontage. R. K. Trues-dale. Realtor.
125 Hillcrest Geneva, N. Y. KEUKA LAKE 1 East side, near KeuKa, i bedroom lakefront cottage on an excellent lot. Fine gravel beach, fine neighborhood. 2 East sid.
1 acre lot with small lake rontage. $3,000 with $300 down and $50 monthly. 3 West side, near Penn Yan lakefront lot with good trees for $3,900. 4 West side, near Penn Yan, lakefront cottage with good shade and beach, only $8,000. 5 Near Hammondsport.
1 floor cottage with fireplace, bunk house, boat house and permanent dock on a 150' lakefront lot, $12,500. newest side, one of the tinest on the lake, 350' frontage. 4 bedroom cottage, guest house. lovely point, Benson McGough, Brokers. Csll Penn Yan 580 or 1061 anytime.
An appointment will be to your advantage. SENECA LAKE UNUSUAL FIRST OFFERING BREWER'S POINT OVER mile of Lake Front with modernized year around home, garage, barns, cottage and from 75 to 120 acres of land, if desired. Ideal for development or group camp. Year around road. Appointments please, H.
M. Stocking, Broker, Dundee 32, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 27 WILL TRADE new house for double. Dial RE 3-3865. WANTED REAL ESTATE 21 A LARGE home or double. South-side preferred.
RE 2-3469. CASH BUYERS All types of prop erly, aioore Keaity. kkj 2-1965. HAVE BUYERS for Southside homes M. Strong.
RE 4-0589 RE 4-0117. NEED CASH? Want to sell? Call Hanrahan. RE 3-7723. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 33 CENTRAL, single, furnished. $20 weekly.
331 River St. COLUMBIA, 669 double. 6 rooms snd bath. Phone RE 3-9576. HALF Double 6 rooms, bath.
For information Dial RE 3-0754. HALF DOUBLE HOUSE All improvements. Christian Hollow Road. Adults. RE 2-0748.
HART St. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. 2- car garage, nice lot. $110 per month.
McCarty Co. RE 3-4674. KINYON ST. 730 5 rooms, half double, 2 children. RE 2-4691.
NORTHSIDE, 703 Pattinson St. 8 rooms, bath, automatic hot air heat and water heater, gas fired, newly-decorated. $70. RE Messing. Mon.
Fri. 8-5. RALPH half double. 4 rooms, bath, 2 children OK. $63 per month, not Including utilities.
A. Olson. RE 4-7146. RELIABLE woman wanted to share home and expenses with middle aged lady. Garage.
760 Spruce. RE SOUTHSIDE 3 bedroom modern bungalow, automatic heat, garage, $90 unfurnished. $125 furnished. M. Strong, Broker, RE 4-0117 RE 4-0589 TRAILER, 10 ft wide, 3 bedroom.
Horseheads Trailer Park, Ithaca Rd. tall In person. APARTMENTS 34 ASPEN RIDGE, 8-One and 2 room, rn Ished. RE 3-5374. BoXrDMAN 207 Large private 3 room heated.
Porches, stove, refrigerator. Adults. RE 3-0994-RE 4-8829 BROADWAY- buth upper. Clean 6 room and $50 plus utilities. RE 3-7S67.
BROADWAY 418 3 room upper furnished apartment. $15 per week. McCarty Co. RE 8-4674, Evenings RE 3-4009. BROADWAY 608 Three room furnished.
AH "lilitlesfiE 4-7515. 112 IJnfTirriished upper 4 rooms (2 bedrooms), private, heated. 4-1282. CHURCH. W.
SBoT 3 rooms, bath, furnished. Parking. RE 2-2212. RE 4-8853. COLLEGE, 703'n Attractive 3 rooms, furnished, bath, parking, RE 3-5116.
COLUMBIA, Blfi 3 large housekeep. tug rooms, ruiities. sis. RE2-UI9I DAVIS 352 Upper, stove, rlrTgeT ator. RE 2-0355.
after 4. ELM ST. Lower, heated unfurnished spsrtment 4 rooms, bsth. Inquire 42l Gray St. FIRST.
Upper, unfurnished. 4 rooms, hath, porch. RE 3-9500. FRAN KLIN ST 315 Attractive -room lower, unfurnished AHults t- LTO.M ST 517-1 pper khenhested RE 3-2610 GRAY. W.
5 exceptional rooms. ilchen. Solarium. KE 4-0573 GRAY Large rooms, first fr, t'tilitlffi. garage.
RE 4-7935, HARMON, 214-Sinall, furnished Pri- vaie nam, mimics. Aner s. HARRIET 8T 510 Furnished, 3 rooms, shower, redecorated. ii FM A 8tT 361 -3 unfurnished apartment. Bath, stove, jrefrlgerstor Adults RE LAKE, 6001 snd 3 room furnished apsrtments, to $16.
Adults BE 3-7S49 LAKE, 1405 Nicely furnished S-room. porch, bsth, parking, utilities -OHMORE 257-Unfurnished upper. 4 rooms hath, Utilities, plus heat tcz tj a a mai rSjT ru. ompieteiv redec orated I rooms snd bath, first floor $. 4 rooms and bsth with ad-Joining spsrtment.
t'(5 RE 3-9136 MAIN N. 4 room, utllTtleV. s'nva, and refrigerator furnished RK 2-023. BLACKSTONE washers, quality built nmiunui large snrunDeo MT. nnt'RT rnnNFF? TOT South-Owners movlne T.rn,.
BL'. Bmun Rr SrrW. RK 2-9M8. -r 'laiMiii nii'I fliuniru 1)11 beHiillfiil large lot. Two living rooms lone wun fireplace), paneled den.
dining room, kitchen, bedroom and! Moore Realty. RE 2-1965. bath down: 8 bedrooms and birth jTaRGK LOTS near Ridge li'd. school irriipo mi-, giana- en summer porrn 2-car garage Available Immediately, F. F.
Milne, BE 3-6618. WEST KLMIRA-Exceptionaily welT-ketit .1 berlr'fmm r.rt 1 11- knotty pine family room, lovelv NEAR NORTH CHEMUNG Acre-large rnmlilmetlon living and dln'-l Al4k for otH. Moore Realty, Ing room with 2 olctme windnw. RB 2-1965 and fireplace Laundry area on first' YOU NAME IT We've got it. Choice floor, large modern kitchen, garage, lots In any section of the Greater deep lot, Owner very a unions to sell.
Elmira area. Call Hnmptpn Roads Will consider reasonable offer. Realty Corp. 319 Lenox El-Amliroae. RE3-66HR mlra RK 3-1075.
since 1874. uregorys, 700 Madison CROSLEY Shelvadore refrigerator, excellent condition. $50. RE 9-4237. DELUXE ESTATE gae range, excel-lent condition, with four burners, grill, separate oven and broiler.
Bargain at $40. KE 9-5303. DUAL Wall Furnace. 62000 BTU. Thermostat 1 year old.
Re 4-0055. ELJER 3-PC. BATHROOM OUTFIT Sale price only $149.95. Cotton-Hanlon, Odessa. FOUR-BURNER gas stove, excellent condition.
Chearp. RE 9-4614. GAS STOVE 3 piece sectional. very reasonable. 3076 Butler Ave G.E.
FILTER FLOW washer. A-l condition, $95. RE 3-5817. GIBSON refrigerators. Smart shop- pers buy at Gregory 700Madi son GIBSON 40 inch electric range, like new, $7o, RE 3-3770.
HARDVVICK ranges for bottled or natural gas, uregory 700 Madison HEATING PLANTS Oneida. Royal oil and gas fired. Schuyler, Wells-hutg. RE 4-6644 HOTPOINT automatio washer, needs few repairs. Cheap.
RE 2-3246. MAGIC CHEF coal and gns range, used. In very good condition, at Uoostrey's. 104 Lake St. RE 3-4679, PHILCO 30 in.
electric range. Automatic clock timer, full width giant oven, Only $1.39 per week, no money aown. Its tested, approved and guaranteed too at Haesloop's. Your Frlgidalre Dealer. 2091 Upper Lake Kir uiri KJS 3-7141, open evenings WKStTnGHOUSE deluxe.
comjjTna tion washer-dryer. Like new, used only 6 inns. A fabulous machine where space Is a problem. No vent necessary. Will sacrifice for less than half original cost.
RE 3-0119. WANTE0-HOUSEHOID 00ODI 43 A BETTER CASH Deal for your used furniture Any amount RE 2-6004 BUYING anything and everything In used furniture. Bartlett's. RE 4-6607, DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture, get top price. Will buy any amount Csll Chemung Furniture.
RB 2-4552 NEW MONEY for used' furniture. Will buy any amount Call Paul. Chemung Furniture. RE 2-4552. AUCTIONS AUCTIONS-AUCTIONEER! 44 AUCTION at Van toon's Auction House.
Frl. night. Sept 15, at 7 o'clock sharp. A complete line of used furnltuie and appliances. Good line of antiques, farm produce, farm machinery, fishing tackle and guns.
Complete listing in Wednesday nights paper. Van Loon's Auction Ferv. Odessa 119 or AUCTIONEER Ray Stermer. Rea-sonshle rates Ray's Auction Service. Spencer, N.
Phone 13-F-22 FALL SALE TIME IS HERE Re ting us handle the sale of youri property, either on commission orj by outright purchase. Phonal Whltesvtlle 47, or Weatfield KM, 7-2928 Rumsey Bales. WEST ELMIRA -good t'rm'hnmV, new hath, copper plumbing: 22(1 wiring patio: garage: all In wood cnnoirion; large lot a osrgaln at nu, WH t.k. nfr, M. Corkle.
RE 4-6183. A Toom Cap Cod nanis excellent condition. Un "JJ" RE4-7903 WHY PAY RENT R.7vin iim home with your rent payment No money gown. otton-Hanlon, Odessa RANCH HOME 0 WFSTINOHOUSE ROAD I bedrooms, hath, hug lit. Ing room, step-saving kltrhen, dinette.
Full cellar Attached 3 car carport. Lot 161x300. Psll.i with awning Owner transferred must sell. AFTER I f. M.
OR WEEK ENDS LOVELY OLD HOMi on the bsnk of the Susquehanna 7 bedrooms. baths, six flreplsres, paneled dining mom. Ilhrsry, 2 living rooms, m-nda quartets or apartment hack wing with kitchen snd separate entrance, Ppaclous landscaped grounds with msgnlflcent trees, PRICE 000 721 I. Main Athens', Fa-Phone TUI-691Z ermxefl git, hen, 2-car gtrage Clean HOME Southside. 126 Mor-dry haaement.
Very low tn. A row. being finished Cspe Cod. At-bargalnl J. Ambrose, RE2-66M.
Isrhed garsge. RE 1-4407,.