The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

Esther Bowling Tyner RALEIGH Esther Bowling Tyner, 83, formerly of the Carriage House of Raleigh died Saturday February 24, 2007 at Raleigh Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. Esther is preceded in death by her parents, Roy and Bessie Bowling and her brother, Joseph A. Bowling. A celebration of life will be held 11:00 a.m. Saturday March 24, 2007 at Hil lyer Memorial Christian Church.

The family will receive friends following the service at the church. Esther is survived by her brother, Coy T. Bowling of Fuquay-Varina; sister-in-law, Shirley S. Bowling of Raleigh; nieces, Marsha B. Brown of Charlotte, Cynthia B.

Williams of Cary, Carolyn B. Byrd of Raleigh, Diane B. Church of Spring Lake and Martha B. Wood of Angier; neph- ews, Barry J. Bowling of Raleigh and Timothy T.

Bowling of Angier. In lieu of flowers, memorial con- tributions may be made to Hillyer Memorial Christian Church or to the charity of your choice. Arrangements by National Cre- mation Service, Raleigh. Obituaries 9BTHE NEWS OBSERVERFRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2007 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 9B, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2007 A WAKE COUNTY DOROTHY M. BALDWIN, 81, Raleigh, March 22.

Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, Renaissance Funeral Home. Arrangements by Renaissance Fu- neral Home. ROBERT L. BIGGS, Raleigh, March 19. Funeral 1 p.m., today, fu- neral home chapel.

Burial, Mont- lawn Memorial Park. Arrangements by Brown-Wynne Funeral Home, St. Street. MARY L. BOYETTE, 84, Garner, March 20.

Graveside 2 p.m., today, Mont- lawn Memorial Park. Arrangements by Bryan-Lee Funeral Home. ERNEST S. DEMPSEY, 51, Raleigh, March 20. Funeral 2:30 p.m., Satur- day, Union Hill Baptist Church.

Bur- ial, church cemetery. Arrangements by Richardson Funeral Home, Nashville. ARTHUR DUNTON, 5012 Parkwood Drive, Knightdale, March 19. Funeral 1 p.m., Saturday, funeral home chapel. Arrangements by Funeral Home, Garner.

ARA G. HARRIS, 95, Wagstaff Road, Fuquay-Varina, March 19. Funeral noon, Saturday, First Baptist Church of Fuquay. Burial, Allen Family Ceme- tery. Arrangements by Trice Funeral Home.

ROBERT L. HUNT, 91, 127 E. Stone Road, Apex, March 21. Arrangements by Apex Funeral Home. DESHAWN M.

JONES, 3400 Newberry Lane, Raleigh, March 21. Arrange- ments by Trice Funeral Home, Fuquay-Varina. MARK W. JONES, 27, Cary, March 21. Arrangements by Brown-Wynne Fu- neral Home, Maynard Road.

EVELYN L. JOSEPH, 3421 Middle Branch Raleigh, March 21. Arrange- ments by Lea Funeral Home. CHARLOTTE FAY KIRKLAND, 63, Raleigh, March 20. Arrangements by Montlawn Funeral Home.

COLLINS E. LAFATER, 24, Zebulon, March 21. Funeral 2 p.m., Saturday, Funeral Home Chapel. Bur- ial, Evergreen Memorial Park. Arrangements by Funeral Home, Wilson.

MILDRED L. MCKNELLY, Raleigh, March 22. Arrangements by Brown- Wynne and Mitchell Funeral Home. SHARON D. MONTAGUE, 60, Zebulon, March 20.

Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, New Hope Baptist Church, Wendell. Burial, Pleasant Grove Annex. Arrangements by William Funeral Home, Zebulon. SUSAN S. 52, Morrisville, March 21.

Arrangements by Hud- son Funeral Home, Durham. JACK M. PENDERGRASS, infant, Wake Forest, March 16. Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, North Wake Church. Arrangements by Bright Funeral Home Cremation Center.

PATRICIA JO RATCLIFF, 53, Raleigh, March 22. Funeral 3 p.m., Saturday, Paul Funeral Home Chapel. Burial, Pamlico Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by Paul Funeral Home, Washington. DR.

WILLIAM SPRUNT, III, 85, DeLand, formerly of Raleigh, March 20. Arrangements by Lankford Funeral Home, DeLand, GA. CECIL STANCIL, 80, Raleigh, March 21. Funeral 11 a.m., Monday, Westover United Methodist Church (Powell Arrangements by Cre- mation Society of the Carolinas. JOHN A.

TOEPEL, 62, Wake Forest, March 20. Memorial 1:30 p.m., to- day, funeral home chapel. Arrange- ments by Bright Funeral Home Cremation Center. DURHAM COUNTY BETTY M. BROWN, 59, 1903 Medallion Drive, Durham, March 22.

Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, funeral home chapel. Burial, Oak Grove Memorial Gar- dens. Arrangements by Hudson Fu- neral Home. MARY P. CALDWELL, 83, Durham, March 21.

Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, Grey Stone Baptist Church. Burial, Oak Grove Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by Clements Funeral Service. JOHNNIE T. MCDONALD, Durham, March 22.

Funeral 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Christus Victor Lutheran Church. Burial, Woodlawn Memorial Park. Arrangements by Clements Funeral Service. BOBBY L. THOMPSON, 75, Durham, March 22.

Funeral 2 p.m., Saturday, Durham Memorial Baptist Church. Burial, Oak Grove Memorial Gar- dens, Durham. Arrangements by Clements Funeral Service. ORANGE COUNTY CHADWICK D. RAMSDELL, 82, Tavares, formerly of Chapel Hill, March 21.

Arrangements by Allen J. Harden Funeral Home, Mount Dora, Fla. MARGIE W. RAMSEY, 77, Hillsborough, March 22. Memorial 2 p.m., Saturday, Cross Roads Baptist Church.

Arrangements by Clements Funeral Service, Inc. JOHNSTON COUNTY JAMES A. ATKINSON, 76, Micro, March 17. Funeral 2 p.m., Saturday, St. James Church of Christ, Middlesex.

Burial, church cemetery. Arrange- ments by McKinnie and Bailey Fu- neral Home, Selma. SHERMIAH CHAPPELL, 54, 10286 Buffaloe Road, Clayton, March 17. Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, Red Hill United Church of Christ. Burial, Maplewood Cemetery, Clayton.

Arrangements by R.L. Sanders Fu- neral Home, Smithfield. WILLIE E. LYNN, 58, Smithfield, March 16. Funeral 1 p.m., Sunday, Avery Grove AME Zion Church.

Burial, Sun- set Memorial Cemetery. Arrange- ments by R.L. Sanders Funeral Home. ISSIAH S. RAINES, Infant, Benson, March 21.

Arrangements by Cro- martie, Miller and Lee Funeral Home, Dunn. EMMA B. STEPHENSON, 97, Selma, March 22. Arrangements by Parrish Funeral Home. STATE ANGIER E.

RAEFORD PARRISH, 85, March 22. Arrangements by Rose Graham Funeral Home, Benson. BEAUFORT MARIE S. NORRIS, 82, March 20. Arrangements by Brooks Funeral Home Crematory, Morehead City.

BUTNER WILLIAM S. DAY, 75, March 21. Graveside 2 p.m., today, Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery. Arrangements by Eakes Funeral Home, Creedmoor. CAMERON MICHAEL C.

MOORE, 34, March 22. Fu- neral 2 p.m., Saturday, Countryside Prebyterian Church. Burial, Church Cemetery. Arrangements by Bridges-Cameron Funeral Home, Sanford. CARTHAGE LOUISE T.

SINCLAIR, 95, March 22. Arrangements by Fry and Prickett Funeral Home. CHARLOTTE HELEN B. DUNN, 84, March 21. Grave- side 11 a.m., Saturday, Rocky Mount Memorial Park.

Arrangements by Spring Hope Funeral Home, Spring Hope. CHOCOWINITY JOHN T. HARDISON, 74, March 21. Funeral 1 p.m., Saturday, Paul Fu- neral Home Chapel, Washington. Burial Edwards Cemetery, Chocowinity.

Arrangements by Paul Funeral Home, Washington. CLINTON HARRY M. LEE, 82, March 20. Arrange- ments by Royal-Hall Funeral Home. COLUMBIA OWEN M.

HANSEN, 62, March 21. Memorial 2 p.m., Saturday, Maitland Funeral Home Chapel, Creswell. Arrangements by Maitland Funeral Home, Creswell. DUDLEY ROBERT W. MERRITT, 84, March 21.

Funeral 2 p.m., Saturday, Shumate- Faulk Funeral Home Chapel. Burial, Wayne Memorial Park. Arrange- ments by Shumate-Faulk Funeral Home. DUNN VELMON TEW, 91, March 22. Funeral 2 p.m., Sunday, Grove Free Will Baptist Church.

Burial, church cemetery. Arrangements by Skin- ner Smith Funeral Home. ELIZABETH CITY RENA S. DABNEY, 88, March 21. Grave- side 11 a.m., Saturday, West Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery.

Arrange- ments by Twiford Funeral Home. FRANKLINTON FREDDIE D. PIPER, 73, March 21. Fu- neral 3 p.m., Saturday, Franklin Fu- neral Service Chapel. Burial, Fairview Cemetery.

Arrangements by Franklin Funeral Service Cremation. GOLDSBORO JOSEPH RACZKOWSKI, 71, March 22. Arrangements by Seymour Funeral Home Cremation Service. BOBBY W. SULLIVAN, 64, March 21.

Fu- neral 2 p.m., Saturday, Fellowship United Methodist Church. Burial, church cemetery. Arrangements by Casey Funeral Home, Princeton. GREENVILLE ARTHUR DIXON, 64, March 18. Arrangements by Don Brown Fu- neral Home, Ayden.

HENDERSON NEAL E. DARNELL, 71, March 21. Fu- neral 2 p.m., Saturday, Flowers Fu- neral Home Chapel. Arrangements by Flowers Funeral Home. HIGH POINT ROBERT LEE MATHENY, 79, March 21.

Arrangements by Davis Funerals Cremations. KINSTON SHERRARD B. AYDOLOTTE, 72, March 22. Memorial 1 p.m., Saturday, Spilman Memorial Baptist Church. Arrangements by Howard-Carter Fu- neral Home.

LILLINGTON MARY A. MILLER, 52, March 19. Memo- rial 6:30 p.m., today, Dafford Funeral Home Chapel, Angier. Arrangements by Dafford Funeral Home, Angier. J.W.

SAWYER, 64, March 21. Graveside 3 p.m., Saturday, Antioch Baptist church cemetery. Arrangements by Funeral Home. LOUISBURG ROSABELLE J. LANCASTER, 100, March 22.

Arrangements by Lancaster Fu- nerals Cremations. LEMON LONG, 61, March 20. Funeral 1 p.m., Saturday, Nelson Chapel Bap- tist Church. Burial, Eagle Rock Ceme- tery. Arrangements by Wiliam Funeral Home, Spring Hope.

GABRIEL E. LOWDER, 36, March 20. Fu- neral 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Mount Bethel Baptist Church. Burial, church cemetery. Arrangements by Richardson Funeral Home.

MOYOCK JOYCE D. BOYCE, 63, March 22. Memo- rial 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Memorial Chapel, Elizabeth City. Arrangements by Twiford Funeral Home, Elizabeth City. NASHVILLE LEVESTER MOORE, 69, March 20.

Fu- neral 2 p.m., Saturday, Spaulding Family Resource Center. Burial, Spring Hope Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by William Funeral Home, Spring Hope. VIVIAN WHITLEY, 57, March 18. Grave- side 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Oakland Cemetery, Nashville.

Arrangements by William Funeral Home, Spring Hope. PINEHURST ERSEL E. MARTIN, 89, March 21. Arrangements by Boles Funeral Home. PLYMOUTH JANICE BROOKS-HARRIS, 51, March 22.

Funeral 11 a.m., Saturday, New Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Burial, Spruill Eternal Rest Ceme- tery. Arrangements by Puckett-Pur- kett Funeral Service, Roper. ROCKINGHAM CARLYLE F. WATSON, 82, March 20.

Graveside 11 a.m., Saturday, Rich- mond Memorial Park. Arrangements by Watson-King Funeral Home. SANFORD MARVIN T. THOMAS, 81, March 21. Fu- neral 3 p.m., Saturday, Jonesboro United Methodist Church.

Burial, Jonesboro Cemetery. Arrangements by Bridges-Cameron Funeral Home. SCOTLAND NECK EMMA W. PHILLIPS, 76, March 21. Arrangements by Letchworth Fu- neral Home.

SILER CITY ISHAM W. HINSHAW, 89, March 22. Fu- neral 11 a.m., Saturday, Plainfield Friends Meeting (Plainfield Church Road). Arrangements by Smith Buckner Funeral Home. TYNER MELVIN E.

HOWELL, 71, March 22. Fu- neral 2 p.m., Sunday, Bridge Baptist Church. Burial, church ceme- tery. Arrangements by Swindell Fu- neral and Cremation Service. WILSON ETHEL T.

BOSWELL, 79, March 21. Arrangements by Brown-Wynne Fu- neral Home, Cary. ELAINE H. BRIDGERS, 78, March 21. Fu- neral 11 a.m., today, funeral home chapel.

Burial, Evergreen Memorial Park. Arrangements by Fu- neral Home. RUTH HAWLEY, 87, March 22. Funeral 7 p.m., Saturday, funeral home chapel. Burial 3 p.m., Sunday, Ever- green Memoraial Park.

Arrange- ments by Thomas Yelverton at Ever- green. JEANNE S. PRITCHETT, 55, March 22. Funeral 2 p.m., Sunday, First Christ- ian Church. Burial, Maplewood Cemetery.

Arrangements by Funeral Home. DEATHS The News Observer provides summary obituary information free of charge. Call the obituary staff at 919-829-4545 for more information. DEATH NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8B Sterling Norman Hawks, Jr. RALEIGH Ster ing Norman Hawks a resident of Springmoor Life Care Retirement Community in Rale igh, ied a March 21, 2007.

Sterling, the son of S.N., Sr. and Emi Hawks was born on a farm in Warren County, NC on October 12, 1919. He graduated from Norlina High School in 1936 and N.C. State University in 1942. Sterling and his first wife, Betty K.

Hawks, had three daughters, Ann H. Cromartie, Patricia H. Hawks, and Nancy H. Lackey; seven grandchil- dren and eight great-grandchildren. Sterling married his second wife, Thelma M.

Hawks in 1982, who died in 1999. After graduating from college Sterling worked for the Farm Securi- ty Administration in Lumberton, NC for about two years before entering the Infantry during WW II. After the war he worked about two years in Surry County as Assistant County Extension Agent. In 1948 he became State Tobacco Specialist for the N.C. Agriculture Extension Ser- vice at N.C.

State University, a job he kept until retirement in 1979. During his work at N.C. State and after retirement he did consultant work with a number of commercial companies and other tobacco pro- ducing countries. Celebration of Life Services will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 24th at Springmoor Auditorium.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Salvation Army, 215 S. Person Raleigh, NC 27601. Arrangements by Brown-Wynne Funeral Home St. St. Emily Egerton Todd RALEIGH Mrs.

Emily Egerton Todd entered peacefully into eternal rest on March 19, 2007, at her home. She was the daughter of the late Moses Eger ton and Mary Per ry Egerton. Emily leaves to cherish her precious memo- ies a lov ing and devoted husband, Ronald L. Todd; daughters, Salley (Freddie) of Raleigh, Diedgra Walk- er (Glenn) of Romulus, MI; mother, Mary P. Egerton of Franklinton; brother, William Solomon Egerton (Bernestine) of Franklinton; grand- children, Neal and Frederick Salley of Raleigh, Ashley Walker, Tyler Walker, Courtney Walker and Jasemine Walker, all of Romulus, MI; one great-grandson, Damion Tolbert of Raleigh; mother-in-law, Pauline Todd.

VisitA-tion will take place on Fri- day March, 23rd from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Mount Peach Baptist Church. The Funeral will take place Saturday March 24, at 11:00 a.m. at Mount Peace Baptist Church 1601 Martin Luther King Jr.

Blvd. John Frank Timpani, II RALEIGH John Frank Timpani, II, 53, died Monday, March 19, 2007 at Wake Medical Center. John was born November 25, 1953 in Lynn, MA. He was an accomplished jewel- er and engraver, and an avid Car- olina Hurricanes Hockey fan. John is survived by his wife, Karla Y.

Timpani; stepson, Jeremiah McArver of Burlington; four grand- children; sister, Lynne T. Friedmann of Solana Beach, CA. His memorial service will take place at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 24, 2007 at the Raleigh Little The- atre Rose Garden, 301 Pogue Street, Raleigh, 27607 with a reception to follow the service. In lieu of flowers, donations to assist the family can be sent to Karla Timpani at P.O.

Box 30541, Ra- leigh, NC 27622. Arrangements by L. Harold Poole Funeral Service Crematory, 944 Old Knight Road, Knightdale, NC 27545. Condolences to the family may be made at un- der Obituaries. William Alvin Fletcher Conner, Jr.

RALEIGH William Alvin Fletcher Conner, Jr. passed away Wednesday, March 21. He lived to be 79. Bill was born March 21 in Roanoke County, VA, the fourth child to Wi i am A Conner and Ida Stanley. Bill was a graduate Wi iam Byrd High School, where he was a star athlete participating in baseball, track and football.

He continued his education at Duke University, grad- uating in 1955. While attending Duke on a football scholarship, he was a member of the 1954 Orange Bowl team. After graduation, Bill and Regina made their home in Raleigh. Upon settling, he started the Bill Conner Insurance Agency, specializing in life, heath and group insurance. Bill held a keen interest in the communi- ty by being a charter member of North Hills Club, as an avid tennis player.

He was a member of the Optimist Club, the Sports Club and the Lions Club. He also served as devoted coach to the Pepsi spon- sored Little League football team for many years. After retirement, he developed many hobbies in the arts, showing his talent for carving, paint- ing and drawing. Bill also continued his enthusiasm for sports by playing golf and supporting his grandchil- hobbies. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, William A.F.

Conner and Ida Stanley, broters, Alvin and Bobby, and sister, Pauline Main. He is survived by his high school sweetheart, and wife of 57 years Regina; daughter, Andrea and hus- band, Tony Page, their daughter, Amanda and her husband, Reid Halva; daughter, Melanie Conner Campbell and husband, Dan Camp- bell and his children, Daniel and Eryn; daughter, K-Dee and husband, Chris Leith, their children, Caitlin and Conner. Bill is also survived by his brothers and sisters, Annie Thacker, Funk and Galen and Laura Conner and sister-in-law, Becky Conner of Roanoke. The funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Friday, March 23, 2007 at Trinity Baptist Church, Six Forks Road officiated by Dr.

G. Jeffery Roberts. A visitation for friends and family will be held one hour before the service at the church. The family would like to express their sincere appreciation for the staff of Wake EMS Three, Wake Med 6th Floor staff, the Wake Med Critical Care staff and Dr. Jeffery Roberts.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to: Trinity Baptist Church, Building Fund, 4815, Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27609. Arrangements by Brown-Wynne Funeral Home, Millbrook Road. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SANTA MONICA, Calif. Mil- ton Wexler, a prominent Hol- lywood psychoanalyst whose efforts to find a cure for the disease that killed his wife led scientists to pinpoint the Hunt- gene, has died. He was 98.

Wexler died of respiratory failure March 16 at his home, his daughters said. Although trained in law and psychology, Wexler spent much of the past three decades unlocking the mysteries of disease, a rare, incurable genetic disorder that slowly killed his wife, her fa- ther and three brothers. Wexler launched what is known as the Hereditary Dis- ease Foundation in 1968, when his wife, Leonore Wexler, got the diagnosis. The daughters, Alice and Nancy, had a 50 percent risk of inheriting the disease. In the early 1970s, Wexler began to recruit young scien- tists to help find a cure.

The freewheeling workshops, in- spired by his therapeutic ses- sions with artists, stressed brainstorming and were in- novative in biomedical re- search. In 1983, the scientists nur- tured by Wexler and later also by Nancy, a clinical psy- chologist found the genetic marker for In 1993, they found the gene it- self. search for the Hunt- gene became the par- adigm for all such gene said Dr. Francis Collins, di- rector of the government-sup- por ted Nat iona Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Md. all came out of that wonderful intellec- tual ferment that Milton and Nancy Collins was part of workshops in the mid-1980s, when he was a junior professor at the University of Wiscon- sin.

Wexler was born in San Francisco in 1908 and grew up in New York City, where he trained as a lawyer before be- coming a psychoanalyst. In 1946, he joined the staff of the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, where his suc- cess in treating schizophrenics gained attention. He moved to Los Angeles in 1951. Wexler shared a screenplay credit with director Blake Ed- wards for Man Who Loved and His research into Hunting- became a family affair. Nancy Wexler, a professor at Columbia University, suc- ceeded her father as founda- tion president.

Alice, a histo- rian, wrote a 1995 memoir of her struggles. They are only survivors, after choosing not to have children when they learned they might have their defective gene. Leonore Wexler died 1978, 10 years after her diagnosis. Milton Wexler, led fight for cure killed his wife.

The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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