The Berrien County Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)

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The Berrien County Recordi

Buchanan, Michigan

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PAGE THREE THE BERRIEN COUNTY RECORB TIJRSDAY AUGUST 2 from peaches News Around Baroda under i a' ill for some time is able to work i Tile villa with Buv Surplus Stocks 330 SOUTH MICHIGAN STREET Large Nor Too Small Scut It Bend Indiana Cheap MANUACTURER QUITS! taOJTDNEcOTUEPCc SOUTH BEND END Meandering with Colo from Three Advance Sales OR MEN BY MARJORIE ADAMS nday evening Two eature Apparel and the other Home Needs Pumps Oxtm Cloth Coats ur Coats held 1 odg their and they plan nun $5750 the coat sur honit' $289 the White or Blayk Third loor Robertson': Third loor Robertson's Blanket Sale OR STRAPS Blankets from the finest mills in America at much lower prices than they will be later on $195 $488 All STRAPS TIES and Oxfords OXORDS Miss Doris Brown spec $1095 $875 Mildred Grover the nney in Benton Harbor Second loor week end Women's White HOUSE ELT SLIPPERS ANNUAL JEWELRY SALE 49c I Silk 99c $ioo son I $8 to $12 Values $7 to $10 Values I seriously ill is improving g' A Corey is attending him Miss Donna Kenney of Dei simnl hn ntict nnk i $385 Sizes 1 to 10 I kith A AAA to $385 AND $485 EEE 11 Children The RESTlESS SEASON IS ON 2 2 1 ruT IS arc are pan to an $1250 Wool Blankets Besides the plaid cottons there are plain cottons of the same excellent quality Both come in a 64x76 inch size threshing machines la tile season's threshing This plaid blanket is made in a desirable 70x80 inch size It weighs 5 pounds and c'omes in 12 pastel shades 810 'All Wool Blankets in tile Bend UP 'IO 8800 som Queen Miss Anil OR WOMEN Northern Seal Hudson Seal Raccoon Coats Muskrat Coats Caracul Coats Broadtail Coats $250 Cotton Blankets To $795 Blankets Thelma Neitilinent a few diy? grandmother MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES OR OXORDS The newly formed orchestra of the Portage Prairie Evangelical Church held an organization meet ing recently electing the follow ing officers: president Mrs Car August Sales prove them to be very inexpensive Oxfords Tan Brown le of 'cning i ii I 66x80 inch size thoroughly shrunk and scoured by the mills Green rose blue and tan sh hirlieim dia l's Men Trimmings i nd de badger kit fox lieaver squirrel skunk marten raccoon walkibia and caracul furs The Greatest Medicine OT ITS KIND IN THE WORLD NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL Arch Support idths Rubber vics Values up a S7ee son Houswerth vice president Glenn Vite secretary Trella Rough treasurer Wilma Carling This orchestra was organized at the beginning of the summer by Albert Hoiswerth to assist in the church services in place of the old orchestra which was disbanded a few years ago on account of the death of the leaders Its personnel at present is as follows: leader Albert Houswerth violins Esther Rhoades lorence Mitchell Wilma Carling Edna Vite Garman Hous werth clarinets Glenn Vite Mary Kandupa Lena Houswerth cello Trella Rough flute Robert Kell cornet Joe Kandupa Stanley Mit chell saxaphone Donald Rhoades trombone John Kandupa piano Mrs Carson Houswerth Her father retiring for the night at twelve says to the boy friend: me a call when you go please I've got to be up early in the WRITE Dr Weir Medicine Co? 814 TERRITORIAL ROAD BtNTON HARBOR MICH IOS lull CfilAt S'Hl HI NO OBLIGATION ANY KIND RECIPES Peach Tapioca 1 can of sliced peaches 2 tablespoons of quick cookin Robertson's assortments 'veal all the splendor luxuriousness and beauty of the newest fur coats lares at the side or front appear on many of them Queen Anne Johnny and notch collars are equally smart fashion fea tures G'cndora Tie Shoes or Oxford Pair Sew authentic fashions at below regular prices Work noes Sliocs or Bkck White tir ciicallt olTIN isiting friends SPORT OR GOL OXORDS $55 WORK SHOES 95c All Kinds Renewed Milwaukee Shoe Mfg quits business They needed money Our buyer made a special trip to Milwaukee He purchased hundreds of pairs of these fine high grade shoes for cash Less than the manufacturing cost Shoes for men women and children Our own stock of firsts and seconds included in'this sale css volks 2 cups of milk Pinch of salt Warm the milk add tapioca and cook in a double boiler stirring frequently until quite transparent Pour over well beaten egg yolks add salt and return to boiler Cook two minutes remove from fire and fold in drained peaches Garnish with whipped cream Serve with sweetened syrup Mrs Elizabeth Hanet of ChieiiLent tiie past week visiting Mr 13 Credit Rubber BOOTS $199 All Sizes Mr iid Mrs John PhHuator Hai ry Kreidlander of Kidgvw Michigan spent the wern end Lavish use of fur is the dom inant note in the new mode Smooth or dull faced woolens fall in straight lines or flare Shades range from browns to black Milwaukee Made Arnold Glove Grip Walk Over anil other highgrade makes Black brown tan Shoes or Oxfords Sport or Golfox All Sizes all widths $150 $285 $350 $165 $180 $350 SUMMER OOTWEAR OR MEN AND WOMEN ON SALE Choice of single all wool blankets and double part wool blankets Heather mixtures and block plaids Robert Knight of Benton Harbor spent tlie week the Mead home rank DeMo' row of Lakeside Mr oi Detroit spent the week end at the home of Mrs Rose Regie Endieott Jehnsiui Make All Sizes up to 13 S3 OU Value Henry Nauegan home Een EibImire of China Benton Haroor spent tne past week wiui friends and relatives here Mystery of Brain An of has been opened in Moscow for spcciiil re i search into the mysteries of the I hflmau nervous system and the brain says Popular Meclianics Mag azine One of the aids in use there i is a remarkaUtf instrument that di vides the brain into five equal sec tions and makes a wax impression of it at the same time After this the organ is cut into 25 000 to 30 000 thin slices for study under the i microscope The brain of Lenin the late Russian leader has been studied in this way and directors of the institute propose to examins the brains of other great persons in Russia after their death 216E MainSt Niles and relatives Chilson of Three Oaks I was a business caller here on i Wednesday Kenneth Drown motored to East Jordan riday to visit relatives Mr and Mrs Swope and family Miss Doris Brown and Mr and Mrs AliTed Zordel and son spent Wednesday in Chicago I Billy Winfield who has been I Dr conveniently and the coffee measured for instant preparation in the morning It is surprising how simple this preparation becomes and how niiuii better everyone leels after a i breakfast served quickly but with out the ordinary nervous rush DO YOU KNOW THAT: I i 1 Stale rolls may be softened I land fieshened by sprinkling with I water and placing tliem in oven for a few minutes? 2 Baking powder biscuits I really much lighter if they I prepared and placed in the for baking and then allowed 1 stand in the refrigerator for hour or more if possible before muting them in the oven? i 3 Milk bottles should be dip I ped in cold water and dried care fully with a clean cloth before I they arc put into the refrigerator? I 4 A fine knitting needle is ex cellent in testing to find out whether baked or boiled fruits and I vegetables are sufficiently cooked for it does not break them or leave unsightly marks as does a fork? 5 Angel food cake will be more perfect in texture if it is put into an almost cold oven the heat of which is increased gradually I until the cake is done? A tasty relish can be macle by grating an apple into freshly 'made horseradish? Mr riril Mrs chm of South Bend spent at tiie Gm dm Mr and' Mrs Chas Smith and I family and Mr an! Shuler spent Sunday in Holland I Michigan I Mr and Mrs Chas Cunningham Tennis Shoes All Sizes AA $2 4 Lillie JmC Lace to Toe or Pumps S295 High or Military lleeis dance of 2UO concert held i iron end children BREAKAST I think is the least planned of all meals A great many of us have got into the bad habit of hurrying through with an inadequate snack or going without it completely Either way of course is deplorable because it is neither satisfying nor healthful Because it is of necessity' the hurried meal of the day there is no reason however why it should not be attractively served and consist of wholesome food i it possible the table should be i set the night before (it is easy to' do this while cleaning up after dinner the melon or fruit placed: AHOulSEHAwkE A fwsssu WOMEN BETTER GRADE Womens White Ox Icns Whjte ()x f(rd Broken sizo nr Pair ZbC broken sizes Russian Chocolate tablespoons of cocoa teaspoons of cup of milk hi cup of cream 1 cup of strong coffee bi teaspoon of vanilla Heat milk add cocoa and sugar mixed with the cream to a smooth thin paste Add coffee slowly stirring constantly over a low fire Remove from fire and add vanilla Serve either hot or iced whipped cream Evan Church of Portage Prairie orms Orchestra Oxfords $150 On all Jewelry Glassware Leather Goods Diamonds Pearls Clocks Large discount on all watches Come in now and buy your Christmas Wedding Birthday Anniversary Gifts and Card Prizes Sale closes August 11th Come early and have a large selection CONGRESS PLAYING CARDS 55c per pack Police and Tireman Shoes Arch Support All Sizes S500 ulue Patent Pumps S25O SoOil Value High Heels Ail Sizes Arnold Glote (trip Milwaukee Made Lape Adler I Wirsity Girl Arch Support hie Models "mm v': 'WS1 i iv Tuesday evening Tbei ne program rendered i oi i i in nase livNOtLNH 1 1 1 1 fire whistle a th! had in till I I i H'a vx Lite VI re I Iitr'ilii I i or uio iUm ttai tiie lU er of 1 I i i th Bund snenl uie Ubt yx rx SY 1 i Air mother I a rr' Ml v'itx ri jy tu Tin Im XU Ta her spent Marrs i Rose Kegle 777?) 1 Bhitlwm ami vbiinati' i Harv Kn 1 iiiS l' Hendrix started out wdh 1 1 1 nr iy nt Simony St Joseph ViJ ygy i ku A VL rancx ixture i No Lot Too I vE A 7 ETm i i r' a 'sttu IUM Good I TkkV OH AGI 4 IIS 's hoes r'l 7 vz LI i with relatives Word has oeeii relatives fieri Dcn Ml anil ins Iivit niimui raff gyitJ Lsnre Jwariofle If Miss Helen Whitney Water I a I si zus All Ui ggggggg Epaggjt 9 I If A Ideal Sime tor I "ork leu: 4 i IBI 9 0 a 'w AR A NT Taaffvsoft 1 tX 1 1 I 1 1 I i 1 week's wn'at'en from Julius hjh'rator at thr Baroda Xtf 1 tTVJillVBV i 1 1 I I 3 Robert Till has resigned his All Sius or US aSSlSiahl y'asliiei 01 1110 State Bank El wi UUK'I a' i'll LL1' new Nash ear i i at Hen of Hui 1 1 and XU is lor alis ai i BB who lias men hi lor tit pa rive months Mrs 1 renMts Mrs "TB Gardner gattiing vety iinvly I WLHS Mrs Michael I' High Lun or Miutarv He Is vx vein old and very healthy and I 'eUUsfdfrdimr Veer yyk UM'irlv he Win Stein' imer liiliT ggaBfin I MW faint She has no more trouble1 A picking them than a younger per vent's VALUES son This is a record or a uij re i i i i i i I i i Lt i xiry QS i Jlgga Sih li as dk (K er I eu i i 1 i i I i HI WU who has iust I'inpleit'd a eoiiisei Juaiin i Di! ll 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 with narriln iect ill ti at South i tx i 1 in 1 t' I I 1 I IM AU Kt fl's Apli Hlil 1 XI I Mr and Mrs Charles and daughter spent Satiam afU 1 'SfirlniQ Mlsst noon tne win iiies Henry Wright spent Saturday 1 I 1 1 I 111 I It I I 111 lilt ill JLRO I'll'llll th XI 1 I Lull' 1 'nt a l( in Chicago business Similar I vi 1 dHes 0 jets.

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The Berrien County Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.